Chapter 50 (Part 1 )

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°Shout out to @chiaraluvanimals for helping me write this part!!°

The night is young and I'm not sure where we are going. Eric is driving the car and we listen to the radio.

"Isn't it gorgeous, " I say looking at the skyline. All the lights glimmer in the night sky.

"Not as gorgeous as the girl next to me.... " Eric says. I feel as if he were going to say more but he keeps quiet instead.

We finally come to a halt and he parks the car. We are in the parking lot of a theatre on broadway.

"We're here. Are you hungry? We have about an hour to spare." He says, opening his door.

"Um yeah, I'll go wherever you want. Doesn't matter to me." I say.

"I know this great place, you'll love it!" he says, smiling.

We walk a couple of blocks until we go inside a place called "Shake Shack."

I've heard it's great, but I've never tried it. The line is relatively long but you gotta do what you gotta do.

I order the "Shack Burger" and I look for a table while Eric waits.

I really like this place. Different people eating food. Great.

Eric comes back with the food and I smile, looking at my burger. It looks great and delicious.

"Dig in," he says

I take my burger and almost eat the whole thing in one bite. Oops manners... I forgot. I calm down and just eat my food one bite at a time. Thats better.


Faith looks like she's been starving for the past 3 days. I know that she doesn't eat that way,she must really be hungry.

"Careful, don't forget to chew." I say, laughing a bit. She laughs too.

"So, you live in New York, right?" I ask.

What am I thinking , is that not the most obvious? Oh my goodness.

"Um Yeah, I've lived here for a little while " she replies.

"Thats cool, this is where I grew up too. I can't wait to move though. I'm thinking about maybe going out of the state or even maybe someone really close to paradise. " I say, foolishly.

Great Eric, now you've done it. You are on a date with a girl and making about you like you always do and you just told her you're leaving?

How on earth will that help in the relationship if she chooses you? Or when she chooses you?

"Oh, cool. I erm, I've had some thoughts of moving away, to like California but Steph and I would never be able to afford it."

" Hey, maybe you can come with me?" Stupid.

" I don't know about leaving Steph... her and I have been together for a while now... but I mean , change wouldn't hurt." Faith says.

" Change is .. great" I say, looking into her eyes and smiling. She smiles back and finishes her fries. Time to go.

We walk back to the theater and I get our tickets to see "Wicked." I really hopes she likes it.

-Faith -

After the musical , which was amazing by the way, we go back to the car. I thank Eric and tell him I really enjoyed it.

It must've cost him a fortune, I have to repay him somehow.

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