“Talk about what exactly?”

“Your line of work and the three monsters that plan to terrorize my town.”

“Only two of them are monsters…” I mumbled, looking down to the ground.

“Then what would you call the remaining Hybrid?”

“Lost. Confused. Gentle. Scared. Alone. Dying.”

“Well, alright then?” Officer Devine spoke, “We’ll come back to that one later. Tell me about the other two.”

“They’re best friends. One is the brains and is mischievous and the other is pure muscle. The brains of the duo is named Harry Styles. He is crossed between human and snake. He’s able to move around without being seen or heard, much like a snake. And he’s very flexible. The other one is Liam Payne. He was crossed with an ape, which is where he got his unnatural strength. He has a temper and hen angered can’t control himself. They killed Louis. I was there when they did it. They’re vicious and have to be stopped.”

“Where are they Zayn?”

“I don’t know. The last I saw them was when they killed Dr. Tomlinson. They told me to be careful because they were going to take over the town and when they did they were going to come back to get me.”

“I’ll protect. The entire force will. Don’t worry. Now son, tell me about the other Hybrid. What about him?”

“I refuse to tell you anything about him.”

“Zayn we need to know.”

“I don’t care.”

“Zayn, this is serious. Tell me now!” Officer Devine slammed his desk with his fists, causing me to jump back. I shook my head, and closed my eyes tightly, sudden fear rushing through. I felt a sense of pain erupt throughout my body and I didn’t understand what was happening. I started screaming and fell to the ground, pulling at my hair, “Za – Zayn – Zayn? Are you okay? What’s going on?”

I heard Officer Devine shout, “Someone get a medic now! This boy is having some sort of attack!” I continued to scream and tears began to tickle my eyes and fall down to the floor. My screams grew louder as the internal pain intensified.

“Someone? Anyone? Help!”

“Your words are worthless.” A raspy voice came from nowhere. I knew whom it belonged to, but I couldn’t assist Officer Devine as I was crippled over in a burning pain, “Zayn if I stop hurting you, will you tell this nice man about your lover boy and how he’s sick and twist just like Liam and me?”

“What? Who’s there? What are you talking about?” Officer Devine screamed, “Can someone come in here right now!”

“No one can here you.” The all too familiar voice chanted, “They’re dead. I killed them. Liam and I killed every single last one of your pathetic police officers. It’s funny how you think you can outsmart us, but we’re everywhere. Zayn, we’re always watching you. You made a big mistake coming here and now I have to hurt you. I never wanted to hurt you, but you brought this upon yourself you stupid, stupid boy.” Just then the pain inside of me increased and I let out an ear-splitting scream, throwing myself across the floor, helplessly trying to distract myself from the agony.

“You fucking twat. How dare you rat us out. We were going to spare your life.” Harry hissed once more.

“Show yourself!” Officer Devine demanded, “Show yourself or I will find you!”

“You mortals assume me. Why would I reveal myself? Like I said, I’m everywhere. I’m in your head, in your dreams. I’m absolutely everywhere. Stop trying to hide your fear. I can sense it. I could kill the both of you if I wanted to. So stop and shut up before you make me do something you’d regret.”

Harry started laughing and stop attacking me. My body was motionless. I couldn’t move it for the life of me. My eyes were barely open, and I was immobile. My breathing was a disaster and I felt my stomach was still twisted. Officer Devine came down to my side and helped me up onto my knees. I began gagging and vomited onto the floor, shakily wiping my mouth.

“What was that…” Officer Devine said.

“It was Harry…” I managed to say, “He knows all about me now. He knows I’m an Algophobe. He’s using it against me.” I said, trying to stand, but Officer Devine’s hand kept me hunched over.

“How was he able to speak through the walls? How was he able to hurt you?”

“There’s something you don’t know about Hybrids. There’s something we’ve kept from everyone.”

“What’s that?”

“They feed off people’s fear and their pain. The more they kill and the more they cause pain, the stronger they grow. Harry and Liam have killed so many people within such a short period of time that the amount of strength they’re receiving is practically unstoppable. When they grow, so do their senses and their powers. I guess Harry’s now able to watch over anyone, speak through and to anyone, and simply hurt people with his mind.”

“What about the Liam character.”

I was about to speak, telling him I had no idea, but that evil raspy voice beat me to it, “You don’t want to know what Liam can do. He’s a true definition of a monster.”

“Harry. Please leave us alone.” I said, not yelling, but not whispering either. I was practically begging Harry to spare us because I could feel the end coming soon and I just wanted to see Niall just once more.

“Zayn, you make it hard to want to spare you. You keep blabbing all our secrets. Why should I spare you? Soon you’ll spill everything there is to know about us –”

“You mean there’s more?!” Officer Devine shouted.

“Shut up!” Harry screamed, “Don’t interrupt me when I’m talking! You humans are foolish people. I’m done with the two of you for now, but Zayn, once last thing…”


Harry remained silent, but proceeded to laugh. I didn’t know what his laughter meant, but it couldn’t be good. I slowly stood up, looking around the room when there was a grunt coming from the voice in the walls. Suddenly I heard a sickening snap come from inside of me and I immediately dropped to the ground, unable to make a sound. The snap came form my spine. The pain was intense, but I couldn’t express how much it hurt. I had been paralyzed with fear and with sheer pain.

“Zayn!” Officer Devine’s voice echoed throughout my mind, “Zayn an ambulance is on it’s way!” His voice faded more and more with every second. I slowly closed my eyes and as I did so I saw a picture of Niall breakthrough the darkness. His charm and his smile was all I could see and then he started laughing, but soon his adorable Irish laugh evolved into a sick, cruel laugh and then all I could see was Harry and Liam. They seemed so real, as if they actually were in front of me and the entire world had actually turned black.

“See you soon, human.” Liam laughed.

“Real soon.” Harry promised.

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Well shit son! Zayn got some serious damage done to him. This is just the start guys. All hell is about to break loose, and more weird ass shit is about to happen! Okay, so TELL ME... What has your favorite part been so far? And what are you anticipating for the upcoming chapters? I want to hear from you all!


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