Dragon Sense

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Everyone gasps as Pantherlily falls to the earth. "You pathetic traitor. You're not a noble exceed, you're just a lousy fallen. To think you'd forget your debt to our king and dare betray his orders." Knightwalker scowled.

"It's the Edolas Erza." Natsu gasped. "The one called Knightwalker!" Happy stated. "Oh Lily." Coco whimpered. Gajeel glares at the red head. "Heartless broad. You're gonna pay."

"No! We have to do something to help Lily." Chagot begged, reaching out her paw. "It's too dangerous Chagot." A old male exceed told her. "Don't worry Your Highness. I'll go down there and take care of him for you." A female exceed said, before she flew down to Pantherlily.

"Xena!" Knightwalker scowled as she glares at said girl. "Knightwalker." Xena mumbled. "Let us handle this." Mystogan said, holding up his arm at her as she looks at him and Luna.

"I've had enough of your insolence Captain Knightwalker. How dare you point your sword at my sister and I! The royal children of Edolas!" Mystogan declared.

"Royal... children?" Xena whispered in shock while Knightwalker glares at the royal siblings.

Suddenly, laughing was heard. "You two, the royal children of Edolas? Don't make me laugh. You don't deserve the title because I never thought of you as my children!"

"That's the king's voice." Coco noticed. "Yeah. Where the heck is he?" Lucy asked. "You have some nerve. You can't run off for seven years and then suddenly waltz back in as though nothing happened." Faust said.

"Do you think you can fool me? I know you've been in Earthland sealing all of the Animas. You're both traitors! And as such, you must be punished for your actions!"

"Where's that voice coming from?" Wendy asked, looking around. "I have no idea but he certainly sounds angry, doesn't he?" Carla said. "Come on! Show yourself bucko!" Natsu yelled. "Come out and face us!" Happy shouted.

"Your Anima plan has failed. Please surrender peacefully." Mystogan said. "You've no reason to fight anymore!" Luna stated.

A green light glows up on the ground. "Ridiculous! Who says I need a reason to fight." Faust said. Gray gasps. Do you guys hear that? It sounds like it's coming from underground."

"Feel the magic power building up in the air?" Lucy asked. "This is not a simple fight. No! This is retribution! The extermination of all who would dare to oppose their king!" Faust yelled as a big egg-shaped metal thing came out of the ground.

"What is that thing?" Lucy asks in fear. "Some kind of magic weapon?" Gray questioned. "Since you and your meddlesome friends insist on standing in my way, I've no choice but to obliterate each and every one of you! Regardless of who you are!" Faust shouted as the chains holding the metal thing down, snaps and releases it.

"Father please." Mystogan and Luna plead.

Faust's eyes widen in anger. "I'm not your father. I am the King of Edolas!" The machine glows until it came apart. "If I dispose of you here and now, I'll no longer have to worry about you sealing my Animas in Earthland. I'll be free to create another giant lacrima and fuse it with the Exceeds. Limitless magic power will be mine!" Faust yelled.

"Oh no." Chagot whispered in worry and shock.

"Hahahahaha! Try as you might, there is no stopping me!" Faust cackled as the metal thing reveals itself to be a giant armoured dragon. Mystogan and Luna gasp as they saw the mechanical beast.

"I am the King! My power is absolute!" The king bellowed. The old generation of the exceeds mutter among themselves in fear. "Dorma Anim." Chagot gasps in terror.

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