Subclass of Sloth Preview

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~Something black caught his attention as he noticed a small cat, lying injured near the group's feet.~

~The kid walked over to the black cat and knelt down, picking up the poor creature. The cat flinched as it was jostled. "Shh. It's alright, I won't hurt you." The boy cooed as he stroked between the cat's ears. He smiled as he heard a purr.~

~"Get off! Please someone! HELP!!" The girl shrieked.~

~"Look out! Behind you!"~

~Blood dripped on the ground as wide, pale eyes stare at the knife in his gut.~

~The girl screamed bloody murder and ran away with the man chasing after her.~

~" to see...this... A..Ash.." Makoto said with a sad, bloody smile as he used his remaining strength to rub Ash's head affectionately.~

~The boy's skin colour was coming back as his eyes snapped open. His eyes flashed red before turning back to his normal blue colour.~

~Said boy's eyes widened in shock Ash's lips made contact with his own.~

~By the time the police showed up, nothing but a puddle of blood was left to be found.~

A Wistful Ocean (Natsu Dragneel Love Story)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu