Chapter 16: Tilt and (April Fool's) Streams

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Media: "Intertwined" by Dodie Clark (GDI THI ARE YOU HAPPY NOW)

Lmao these are just smol things that I wanted to write because idk... it's kinda cute tho so I guess??? Filler chapter hype



"Hey Bjerg! How's Dyrus? He ended stream pretty early today. Is he tilted or..." Mizuki asked once Bjerg opened the door.

"Er, yeah. Ten game losing streak I think. He just went up to his room right now, and so far no one can get him out. I have a feeling you can help though."

"Sure thing. I'll try my best to get him back to his normal monotone self. See you later!" Mizuki gave Bjerg a quick hug before running up the stairs to Dyrus's room. "Dyrus? Can I come in?" she asked softly once she reached his door. She heard a soft "yeah" from the other side, signaling for her to enter. She slowly pushed the door open and sighed when she saw Dyrus.

He was sitting at the edge of his bed, facing the window, with his head in his hands. Mizuki quietly climbed onto the bed and hugged him from behind. "Are you okay?" she questioned and rested her chin on his shoulder. He shook his head, and Mizuki hugged him tighter. "How bad is it?"

"Pretty fucking bad," he murmured simply.

"Well, I'm here. Try to forget about it for a bit, yeah?" Dyrus nodded silently. Mizuki giggled and leaned over to peck his temple. "Do what you always do-- sleep it off!" She looked over his shoulder to see a small smile on his face, making her smile in return. "I'm gonna go-- Dyrus!"

Dyrus suddenly turned and pulled her down onto the bed with him. "Please stay, please..." he sighed into her hair. Mizuki rolled her eyes and giggled again. "Fine, but I'm leaving once you fall asleep."

"You're the best," he said with a tired smile.

"You too."


Bjerg walked in about half an hour later, curious as to what Mizuki was doing, but stopped once he saw the two. "Uh, what happened he--"

Mizuki quickly silenced him. "This is a bear that explodes when in danger or when threatened, so don't touch him," she said sternly as she looked up at Bjerg. "I have to hold him here and keep him safe forever."

"Awh cuteee," Bjerg whispered before quietly backing out of the room. Mizuki waited a moment before turning to Dyrus and snuggling against his side. A content sigh escaped her as she felt Dyrus tighten his embrace. With that, she slipped into unconsciousness.

---April Fool's---

It was a little over a week before April Fool's and Mizuki and Dyrus were trying to find out what they were going to do that year.

"What if I stop streaming and using social media this entire week?" Dyrus asked as they walked back home, boba in hand.

"And then suddenly you come out of nowhere with a stream?"

"Yeah! But we have to do something more than just that..."

"Hm, maybe. Oh! And your fans think it would be you playing league but it's actually just me playing league?" Mizuki added excitedly.

"Perfect, especially since a lot of them don't know about you still," he laughed.

"Seriously? I'm pretty sure I've been in enough of your tweets for them to figure it out by now," she scoffs.

"Nah, it's Twitch chat, what do you expect?"

"True. So I guess the new esports headline would be Dyrus turned grill after week of not existing?"

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