Chapter 12: 6 - Envy

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Media: Dat Joey btw

Actual chapter iM SORRY D O N T K I L L M E

Haha kinda short bc I'm trash


Over the past week, Joey and Mizuki grew closer. Every day, they would be questing and leveling, and Mizuki would learn a little bit more about all the games they played together. It was Saturday when Joey was staying the night at Mizuki's house. They just finished their gaming session and were now taking a break from battling the monsters of Guild Wars 2 by eating ice cream and talking about anything.

"So, how long did it take you to transfer here? School-to-school transfers are hard enough, let alone transferring to another country," Joey said and took a bit of the mint chocolate chip ice cream.

"Oh, god don't remind me. It took a good year at least, and we almost lost the paperwork for all my classes. Then we had to deal with all the really lame stuff like citizenship and my license and... it took a lot of time," Mizuki groans as she remembers the struggle of transferring to America. She covered her mouth to hide a yawn. "Well, I guess I'm heading to bed. You're okay down here?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Besides, I have Mamoru," he laughed. From the moment Joey walked through the door, Mamoru had almost never left his side. He obviously didn't mind, though.

"True. And you're going over Tuesday, right?"

"Yes, mom." Joey rolled his eyes. "Goodnight!"

"Night!" she yawned before heading upstairs.


Joey stood at their front door. He was nervous, of course. They were pro gamers, and he didn't want to miss this opportunity to get to know them better, so he summoned up enough courage to actually knock on the door. Joey was even more elated to find that Dyrus was the one to answer the door. Dyrus, on the other hand, was not as happy to see Joey, but he didn't show it (not yet at least).

"Um, why are you here exactly?" Dyrus asked when he recognized Joey. He sounded a bit harsh, but he couldn't help it. He's seen Joey hanging around Mizuki a lot lately, so seeing Joey there really brought up questions.

"O-oh, well Mizuki told me about how you guys are all really chill and I guess I wanted to get to know you guys a bit more," Joey said with a small smile. Even though they were about the same height, Joey was honestly a bit intimidated by Dyrus. He cast this aura that bluntly said, "I hate your guts."

"Oh yeah. You're her new 'friend,' right? You've been hanging out for like a week or something?" Dyrus was getting annoyed by this guy. He really wanted to say, "Oh, you're her friend that she started hanging out with instead of me," but he knew how self-centered and childish that sounded.

"Yeah. Just friends," Joey nodded. He hoped that got his point across because he really did not want Dyrus to think they were anything more than that, but it had a completely different affect. The way he kept his naive, innocent smile through all this really pushed Dyrus, and his next actions were driven by his pure annoyance and envy.

"Well, I don't think just friends spend a night over at the other's house after only knowing each other for a week." He grabbed Joey by his shirt, and only then did his smile drop. "I don't know what the hell you're doing with her, or what you plan on doing to her, but if you hurt her in any way I swear to--" A voice made him freeze in his place.


Mizuki was just leaving to get some food, but when she saw them, she knew exactly what would've happened. Her eyes glossed over at just the thought of her two favorite people about to get into a fight, especially since Dyrus seemed to be the one that started it and with no apparent reason. Dyrus immediately let go of Joey's shirt and dropped his fist.

"Wait, Mizuki I--"

"Dyrus, what the hell?" Mizuki snapped before running to Joey's side. She looked up at Dyrus with great disbelief as she pulled the still-shocked Joey away. "I didn't think you'd be one to do something like this," she muttered and walked away, leaving Dyrus alone and feeling like crap at the doorway. 

There was no way to describe how horrible Dyrus felt at that moment. The closest he could possibly conceive would probably be "complete and utter shit," but that felt like that was only half of it. He made the one person he's really, really  cared about in a long time hate him because of something he did that was fueled by his stupidity and selfishness. All he needed then was her forgiveness, but guessing from what she saw, he doesn't know if he's ever going to get that.


Lmao rip that scrub amirite... Dyrus is so salty I love it

Btw thanks for the 1k reads especially after only like 12 chapters of trash <3


k i n d a e d i t e d ?

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