Chapter 3: Morning Silence

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Media: my brother's snapchat I stole shhhhhh also the thing I based the first half of this trash on so ye...

Note to self: listening to a sad song 300 times without context is nothing compared listening to the same song once with context...

Incoming time skip galoreeeeeeeeeee ¯\_/¯\_/¯\_/¯\_/¯\_/¯\_(ツ)_/¯\_/¯\_/¯\_/¯\_/¯\_/¯


Mizuki woke up at five in the morning, just before the sun rose. She grabbed a few blankets, her hoodie, one of her sketchbooks, and her colored pencils before going outside into her backyard, Mamoru  following her out.

The two of them sat in silence, bundled up in all the blankets, as they waited for the sun to rise. After about an hour, Mizuki was dozing off, but Mamoru gently nudged her awake.

The girl looked up to see half of the sky still the beautiful deep blue of midnight while the other half was bursting with the colors that sunrise brought. The soft clouds that passed through were now painted with streaks of pinks, purples, and oranges, and the sky was a pale blue, all of which faded into the darkness.

Mizuki quickly grabbed her sketchbook and pencils and began to draw.


Dyrus woke up about three hours later. He looked out his window, hoping to see her at her desk, but Mizuki wasn't there. As he turned to get ready, something amongst the grass of her backyard caught his eye.

He smiled as he saw Mizuki there with a dog he's never seen before lost in a drawing. He swore he saw wings on the girl, Dyrus thought before going downstairs to get some food.


Mizuki had been drawing the sunrise for as long as she could remember. The sketchbook she had was filled with the beautiful warm colors.

"Waking up to do this without you barking at one of the neighborhood cats is weird," Mizuki laughed and scratched the dog's ears. "Yeah, our neighbors aren't Ms. Sasaki or Mr. Kojima anymore, but I think I can adapt."

Mizuki looked up at Dyrus's window and sighed.

I don't think he would be up right now. I shouldn't be either...

She confirmed her thought with a yawn. "Let'a go inside, Mamo. We'll grab a few more hours before I start drawing Saber for Dyrus."

Mizuki grabbed all her blankets and art supplies before heading upstairs. Once she reached her bedroom, Mizuki collapsed onto her bed and fell asleep a few moments after.


"A few hours as in twelve hours. Yeah, thanks body," Mizuki groaned as she checked the time on her phone. She rolled out of bed and opened her window to see Dyrus on his phone. "Hi Dyrus," she yawned before leaning on her elbows against the window sill. 

"Hey, you're alive," Dyrus laughed. "What were you doing?"

"Frikkin sleeping for twelve hours," she mumbled and put her face in her hands. "This is the most unproductive I've ever felt, oh my god."

"Well, do you wanna try playing league right now?" he offered.

"Oh, sure. Do you wanna come over or something while I make food? I literally haven't eaten all day..." Mizuki trailed off when she realized that she actually hadn't.

"Oh god, go eat! I'll see you in a few. Eat a lot!" Dyrus said as he left his room. Mizuki rolled her eyes with a smile and went downstairs to find food to eat. 

As she grabbed eggs, spinach, and tomatoes from around her kitchen, there was a knock on the door causing Mamoru to run up and start barking. "Mamoru! Yamete!" Mizuki commanded. Mamoru stopped barking and sat by the door, waiting for Mizuki to open it. "Sorry about that. Mamoru gets as excited as I do around new people. Except he actually shows it," the girl laughed nervously as she opened the door.

"No worries. Did you get anything to eat yet?" Dyrus asked.

"I was just about to make some food. Wanna help?" Mizuki said and glanced back to the kitchen.

"Well, last time I tried cooking, I almost burned down the house..." Dyrus smiled sheepishly.

"You can't be that bad. Besides, you can just help prepare. No  actual cooking involved," Mizuki reasoned. "Please! It's super worth it too!" Dyrus just rolled his eyes and nodded, a small smile on his face. "Yes! You're the best," Mizuki said and pulled him to the kitchen.

"Is that gonna be our thing now?" he asked with a smirk. 

"Maybe," Mizuki grinned.



Okay honestly I have no good reason for why I haven't updated LOL except for school... and procrastination... and anime...

Speaking of anime, FATE/ZERO IS SOOOO COOL OMFG 

Anyway gonna try writing a new chapter I guess .__. sorrynotsorry for the lack of updates


(P. S. not edited bc who does that amirite)

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