After five minutes pass without Julian screaming or cursing anymore, I get up and poke my head around the corner. Looking back at Alex, I raise an eyebrow, "You think he back there plotting?" I ask. Alex smiles back over at me and shrugs his shoulders. "That or packing his bags." He answers back. I shake my head and smile back. Hopefully he isn't doing the latter. I am starting to enjoy the little dweeb's company. With him staying at my place for these past few days, I can now say that he just now starting to warm up to us.

Julian is still pretty much a mystery to us. Other then the fact that we know that he has been in and out of foster homes since he could remember. A year ago, he finally was placed with a couple that he is now staying with. A brief background check on the quiet suburban couple didn't bring up any red flags but who knows. Other then a few suspensions for fighting in school, the quiet teenager's school record is clean. There is definitely something that the boy isn't telling us though. I doubt that he is hiding it to keep some huge secret, he just probably haven't volunteered anymore information then what we have already asked of him.

Everything he has told us so far is true. There is no denying that he is Alex's half brother. The boy looks almost exactly like Alex but with a stronger jaw line and blond hair. Other then the looks and DNA testing positive, it seems that the two share nothing alike personality wise. Shit I maybe wrong in thinking that being that I just met Julian like four days ago but the boy is disturbingly quiet and much more serious then the usual teenage boy. Not really in a bad way, it's just that he doesn't talk much and notices every fucking thing. I knew it must have been a shock to him the first few days with kicking it with our loud asses.

Even though he is a bit slow in coming around to us, I am glad he is staying at my place for now so I can get more of a feel for him. At the end of the day he really could have any type of motive going on to be honest and I need to be the first one to peep it out. As far as we know, Emma has been pretty estranged to him as well as a mother. Being the dope fiend that she was, the state took Julian as an infant straight out of the labor and delivery room. He admitted to only meeting her once when he was fifteen and that was because he was the one to track her down after running away from one of his foster homes. Upon meeting her, he found out that he had an older half brother. Ever since their meeting, he hasn't tried to contact her since.

Looking over my shoulder, I suck my teeth and roll my eyes as I watch Alex anxiously watch his phone for the millionth time today. "Bro, just fucking call her." I snapped. He had the nerve to look embarrassed at being caught clocking his phone. Alex shook his head, "No Jason, I already called and spoke with her earlier this morning to check on the kids...its just a habit, I will get over it."

"Whatever you say..." I rumble out and walk out of the room. The damn man is killing my zen up in this bitch. Hell I may need to pay Ms. Eve a visit and tell her to come get her damn man before I knock some sense into him. As I make my way back to the boy's room, Alex comes up behind me and we both enter the room at once.

Julian is sitting on the edge of the bed pouting with his arms crossed over his chest. If looks could kill, Alex and I would be six feet under right now. "We sorry juju bean" I croon out in the voice I only use for Olivia. The pissed off teen rolls his eyes, "Stop fucking calling me that!" He spats out.

Alex walks over and sits down next to Julian, "Give hugs and kisses." He says as he holds his arms out for Julian, I laugh silently as I watch Alex pout back at his brother with laughter dancing in his eyes. Julian slaps his grabby hands away and stalks over to pick up his backpack. "Fuck you guys. I am pissed!" He snapped. "And don't call me that fucking name no more!"

Holding out my arms in mock innocence, "What are you even talking about? Juju bean? You love that name!" I exclaim. Alex burst out laughing. Bitting my lip, I fight not to laugh in the boy's face.

His Baby {completed}Where stories live. Discover now