Gabriel nodded in understanding and did not stressed upon the matter. Damon asked further,"I wondered if the papers I delivered you were delivered to Her Highness safely?"

Gabriel nodded at him,"I personally visited her and handed them myself. Those papers could have created havoc within the two countries if used by those traitors for their own benefit."

Damon knew what Gabriel meant and it all dawned on him. Now everything that happened made sense to him. However, he was not ascertained of Ashburn and Craske's role in this whole situation. He will have to beware of those two. They planned something huge if Craske's welcome ball was any indication. Along with this whole crusade, he had one more important task which was to find Crooke in the middle of whole scenario.

When Crooke's name striked his mind, he was reminded of Aileen's plan to court Ashburn. Even though he seemed gentle in front, he could not be trusted. Damon will have to get to Aileen before she made any mistake and went alone to fight in the lion's den.

Damon hastily got up and bid goodbye to Gabriel in a jiffy. He took on his horse and left for the house to converse with Aileen.

Damon entered the house and looked around to locate someone. He noticed his butler and asked about Aileen's whereabouts. However, it was quiet late for him ass the butler told him she was escorted by Mr Ashburn to the park.

Before Damon ran after her to catch up with them, butler noticed his worried face and told him,"My Lord, Dowager took it upon herself to escort the couple." Damon stopped and sighed with the knowledge of Beth accompanying them. He felt relieved that Aileen was not alone with that imbecile. Moreover, if last meeting of Beth with Ashburn was to go by then, Ashburn would be the one requiring rescue now.

Damon chuckled at the thought and left for the study to think over the recent information he came upon. He will have to discuss the matter with Aileen when she returned and mayhap, she might also find out something of importance.

Aileen was accompanied by Mr Ashburn and Beth to the Hyde park. She was about to call upon him when he emerged on her door and asked her if she wished to accompany him for an afternoon stroll. Even though she had rejected his proposal of courting her, the man was polite to her. He seemed keen on having her company and that was what she wanted so politely agreed.

However, when Aileen was about to ask Anna to accompany them as a chaperone, Beth appeared in the room and said she wanted to go for a stroll too, so she decided or rather declared to accompany them. Mr Ashburn grimaced at Beth but agreed to take the ladies out for the stroll.

Aiden seemed reluctant to engage in any conversation with Beth during whole carriage ride to the park due to his previous unfortunate encounter with Beth in the manor a few days ago. He simply smiled at both ladies when asked about something. Beth was seated next to him and Aileen sat in front of them. Aileen noticed the poor fellow's wince when Beth deliberately brushed her thigh against him. At one moment, she thought she also noticed Beth who dragged her hand down to the man's thigh. Aileen's eyes widened at Beth's audacious behavior but she could not say anything to her as she knew better Beth won't take lightly to her interference. Aiden grimaced and slid to the farther side away from Beth's touch and looked at Aileen. Aileen smiled apologetically at him and soon the ride was over as they reached Hyde park.

Aiden jumped up as the carriage halted and reached for exit in a hurry. He smiled at Aileen and said,"I would like to help you ladies out of carriage." Aileen smiled inwardly as she knew the reason behind his sudden exit from the carriage. Soon, he was out and held out his hand for Aileen to help her out of the carriage.

When they were out, Aiden offered his hand to Beth which she smilingly took but did not let go even when she was outside the carriage and as they moved towards the park. Beth sent praises towards the man tightly holding his arm and Aileen had to stifle a giggle when Aiden tried to loosen her hold but Beth seemed to have a firm hold on him.

It seemed both of them were out for a stroll and Aileen was one to chaperone them. Even though, Aileen felt safer in beth's presence, she was also annoyed at Beth's intrusion as she seemed insistent on not giving them some privacy. Aileen wanted a few queries to be answered but Beth did not moved from his side.

Aiden looked at Aileen and smiled as if he apologized for ruining their time together but Aileen smiled back to him in understanding. Suddenly, Beth spotted someone of acquaintance in park and excused herself for a while. Aiden sighed and looked at Aileen,"I expected a chaperone to accompany us not a minder." She laughed at his unusual way to call Beth as her bodyguard. He smiled and offered his arm to her for a stroll.

Aileen thought this was the time to strike a conversation and took his proffered arm as they began to walk. She spoke then,"If you do not mind my intrusion sir, I wondered since how long you have had the pleasure to stay in London?"

Aiden replied her," It is no intrusion at all My lady! I used to spend a few days in London with with my cousin and his family during childhood and I started my business five years back and moved to London permanently four years back."

Aileen contemplated the knowledge and asked further,"But you mentioned at the ball that your cousin has remained more in France than here." Aileen noticed his expression turned grim for a while which he quickly replaced with a curt smile.

Aiden nodded at her and looked ahead,"Yes he did, though he came once a year to visit the estates with his uncle who took him in his care in France. When he was in London, I was the one to keep him company here."

Aileen was now skeptical over his statement and his body tensed while he spoke of him. There was something unusual in his demeanor and she willed strongly to find it. She spoke,"I believe that is how you two are still so fond of each other."

Aiden nodded and diverted the conversation to the weather. Aileen sighed and replied him curtly whatever he asked. Her mind wandered to the probability of Craske being Crooke. As he has almost spent his life in France and only Aiden seems to know about him. There was no proof whether he was in France his whole life. However, if he was crooke then how could he had a title bestowed upon him. There was more to this situation and Aileen wished to find it.


HI! I know I took a lot of time on this chapter but I was really busy with my stuff. Anyhow, I hope you like it and we are reaching near the mystery of Crooke. It might not be as entertaining but I am trying my best to keep you hooked. :)

So please vote and comment. :)

Take care :)

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