Notecard Experiment - Chapter 20; card 66

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"Temptation usually comes in through a door that has deliberately been left open." - Arnold Glasow

commenter #8 - "Temptation is usually the result of antagonization."

commenter #1 - "///And I like the way you demoralize//And I like the way you criticize//Someone as perfect as you//Is hard to criticize!/// That is the song stuck in my head. And this girl is tempting this guy by being b-tchy. You figure out the rest."

cloud - "Of course the door was left open. I wanted to look at temptation's face as it came sneaking in."

commenter #6 - "When someone is tempted to do something bad and they end up doing it that means that the desire to do bad things is too high. In order to raise the desire to do good, one must dedicate themselves to good things such as frequent prayer and scripture study. Then, they will see the desire to do good continually grow in their lives and temptation will become easier to fight."

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