Notecard Experiment - Chapter 15; card 58

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"What if there were no hypothetical situations? - John Mendoza

commenter #3 - "Hypo-, as in hypothesis?"

me - "Hypo-, as in hypothetical, but it's the same [prefix.]"

commenter #6 - "That would be awkward."

me - "Awkward? How?"

commenter #6 - "Because a guy could say, 'I got you a wedding ring, hypothetically speaking,' and then if there were no hypothetical situations, that would be awkward, right?"

commenter #5 - "That is a hypothetical situation...but, hypothetically speaking, if that were true, things would get very boring, and we'd probably all die because no one would know what would hypothetically happen if the US dropped a nuclear bomb on Russia..."

cloud - "Then I wouldn't be thinking about this quote, would I?"

commenter #1 - "Then, hypothetically, this quote would not exist, am I right?"

commenter #23 - "So what if there were no hypothetical situations?"

me - "That IS a hypothetical situation."

commenter #23 - "OH! (tries to think it through again)...mind blown."

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