Notecard Experiment - Chapter 6; card 57

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"Tolerance implies no lack of commitment to one's own beliefs. Rather it condemns the oppression or persecution of others." - John F. Kennedy

Big jump in card numbers here! All of the quotes so far have been favorites of mine and this is no exception. I'm going to try and display this one better, because I really want this to get seen by more people than before. One reason is this quote really fits my ideology. Really, really. Second, chapter 5 had difficulty getting the word out the most of any of my chapters so far.

I started carrying the notecards binderclipped in front of a ID holder around my has managed to last until 5th hour so far! It hasn't shown ANY sign of wear yet, so I think this method has promise.

commenter #13 - (notices notecard around my neck while we're standing in a group talking and picks it up to read it quizzically) "So why are you doing this?"

me - "It's for a book I've been writing, I've been doing this since the start of school but the notecards kept breaking."

commenter #12 - (after reading the quote for the third time) "...I'm not good at commenting on stuff like that!"

me - "You can still try! Here, write [what you want to say] down!"

commenter #12 - (goes off with the school's stationed police officer because her car got rear-ended earlier and leaves me without commenting!)

me - "You basically restated (much earlier in the day) what the quote said."

commenter #6 - "Yes, but I restated it in a way that [follows my thought process]."

commenter #5 - It's good. It's very true."

me - "That's it?"

commenter #5 - "It expresses how I feel on the subject exactly the way I feel (this isn't exactly what she said, but I didn't write it down in time and she won't repeat it...because she also forgot)."

commenter #1 - "So this is a really cool quote because like the turtle is going to win the race, because you tolerate all those things and then in the end you do good for yourself and others."

commenter #12 - "I don't know! I'm not all deep and inspirational like the rabbit!"

me - "The rabbit?"

commenter #12 - "The turtle!"

And then they started talking about naming turtles (Pip-pip and Soup) as well as their dogs (Spanish names that I can't understand the meanings of).

commenter #15 - (noticed me wearing the notecard of the day while I was sitting in front of him) "What is this about?"

me - "I'm writing a book and I have a quote for everyday."

commenter #14 - "JFK."

me - "That's all you're going to say about it?"

commenter #14 - "It's the end of the school day, I don't feel like thinking."

Chapter 6 has turned out SO much better than chapter 5! Yay for ditching lanyards! The notecard seriously lasted all eight hours of my school day. It got bent up, but it survived, it's nice and noticeable, and it has been regaining attention.

Oh and it's 2-4 in terms of which quote authors I know, so yes, getting there!

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