Notecard Experiment - Chapter 13; card 95

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Dear readers: I have no time to actually put anything other than responses, otherwise absolutely no chapters will be posted. So responses, yes, will be on here, and all that other stuff you know and love will be added once I have approximately winter break. Thank you for still reading! - shadowhider/me/commenter #4

"A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer; it sings because it has a song." - Maya Angelou

commenter #14 - "I don't really understand, I don't ask birds many questions."

commenter #10 - "I like it, it doesn't really apply to me though."

commenter #8 - "What's the question?...Sometimes that bird should just shut up because it's really annoying."

cloud - "Crows must be musically challenged then."

commenter #5 - "An answer to what?!"

me - "I don't know! I'm not Maya Angelou! Though your questions has come up several times..."

commenter #1 - "A person shouldn't act a certain way because they can, because they'll be accepted easier, they should be themselves because they can. And should, too."

Note: remind me, readers, to add commenter #5's non-related story as a priority...

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