Bonus Segment

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Wasn't sure if I wanted to include this in the book or not, but I thought it was funny. This is a conversation between Hera and Sabine as Ezra and Evelyn board the Ghost.

Sabine and Hera, back on the ship, didn't notice anything unusual. They were too intent on watching Ezra and Evelyn as they talked.

"Fluffy Kitty," Sabine said. "I totally ship it."

"I bet you like it better than Sabezra, don't you?" Hera teased. Sabine rolled her eyes.

"Don't remind me," she said. "At least he's moved on."

Kanan entered the room and Sabine and Hera pretended to be interested in something other than Ezra and Evelyn. Kanan raised his eyebrows.

"Plotting Fanfictions again?" he asked.

"Be grateful it's Fluffy Kitty this time," Sabine told him.

"I don't want to know," Kanan said, holding his hands up and walking away. Hera and Sabine shared a smile.

"I think he's still a bit touchy about Kanera," Sabine said. The two girls started laughing.

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