Alli: Yes...

After that we had some random conversations...We went home..Did I mention that they just live in front of us? No? Then I'm sorry...Greyson live next to in short we're all neighbors...

Me: Mom, I'm home!!

Mom: Hi dear...(kisses my cheek) Guess who's here for vacation?

Me: Is it Spongebob?

??: No..It's me!!

I turn around and saw my little brother smiling mischievously...One thing about my brother..He loves to pull pranks on any person who's close to me except for my mom ,of course....

Me: (hugs him) I MISS YOU SO MUCH KEVIN!!!

Kevin: If I said I miss you too will you stop killing me with that hug?

Me: (squeezes him tight)

Kevin: Okay..Alright already..I miss you too...

Me: (pulls away) Good..(smiles)

I turned to my mom who was laughing softly to our little moment...She crossed her arm and looked at the both of us...

Me: So Mom...Did you pick him up?

Mom: Actually your Dad drop him over....He said he's gonna take you two out fishi-

Me: Don't even think about it....

I hate my Dad....4 years ago As we were heading home from the park,we caught him kissing another woman outside of the house...It made me angry..I watched my parents fight over a week about it...Then all I could know is it tore our family apart....I don't know why Mom forgive him but It's a not okay for me...

Mom: Keith....He just wants to spend time wit-

Me: No Mom..I don't want to spend time with the man you call is my father...You know how big the hole he left to our family....He is the reason why me and Kevin has to live apart...Even Grandma doesn't want to see you...I don't care if he stays in the house but when he does, I gave you my word I'm not gonna step outside my room...

Kevin: Just give Dad a chance Keith....I promise..He's change...

Kevin had a sad expression in his face as if he was telling the truth...I tried to look away but I just couldn't...Finally I gave in...

Me: Okay...(pinches his cheeks) But It's just because you're coming...

Kevin: (holds his cheeks) Oww...

Mom: I'll go prepare waffles for you two...(walks back to kitchen)

Kevin: Yum..I'll help!! (runs to the kitchen with her)

I went to the living room and watched some random cooking show..I heard a knock on the door...I quickly ran and open it...

Cody: Hey Keith...and the brat...

I look behind me and saw Kevin taking a large bite on his waffle...I look back at Cody..

Me: Hey Come on in..

Cody: (stepping inside) I hope your brother doesn't do anything to me today..

Kevin: Relax Blondie...It all starts tomorrow..

Cody: (laughs nervously) Cool..

Me: Don't mind him...He's pretty weird sometimes...

Cody: I know!!!

Kevin: I'm watching you (slowly walks away)

We both sat on the couch and watched the same random cooking show...

Cody: This is boring...

Me: You said it...(yawns)

Cody: Sleepyhead..

Me: Lazy feet..

Cody: That's it (starts tickling me)

Me: (laughing) C-Cody s-stop i-it!!!

Cody and I are tickling each other...We both fell on the couch...Cody fell on top of me..We just stare to each others eyes...Here comes another of those awkward moments...Then he began to lean...and lean..and...

Greyson: Hey, Don't mind if we crash in..

Cody: (quickly stands up) Ummm...

Me: (stands up) Hey Alli...Hey Grey..(smiles)

Alli: So what did I miss?

Cody: N-Nothing...We were just hanging out...

Greyson: Okay?...

Kevin came in with a waffles on the plate...

Kevin: Hey sis, heres some waff-.....Oh..Hey Alli...and brownie...

Greyson: What's the little runt doing here?

Kevin: I'm just here for vacation....And a little bit of fun...(grins evilly)

Greyson: (smiles nervously) Yay...

Me: (grabs the plate) Thanks...(kisses his cheek)

Kevin: (smiles) No problem...I am your good boy right? (looks at Greyson and Cody)

Me: (pinches his cheek) Yes you are...Now run along..

Kevin: 'kay!! (runs to the kitchen)

When Kevin was nowhere in sight Cody and Greyson released a heavy sigh and sits on the couch....I place the plate of waffles on the table and ate two of it....We had random talks..played a little game and watched a movie...Alli can't stop talking about swimsuits...

Alli: Well it's getting late..Cody and I need to go....

Greyson: I think I'll stay...(smiles)

Cody: Nope you're going home too...(drags him out)

Greyson: Aww come on!!

Me: You really need to go home Greyson...besides you have food duty tomorrow..

Greyson: Oh yeah...almost forgot (winks)

Cody: That's Greyson alright...

Alli: Goodnight Keith!!

Me: Goodnight to all of you!! (waves)

I closed the door and went to the living room as usual...But what comes to my mind was this weird feeling when Greyson's face was so close to me on school...I felt it too when Cody's face was so close...And what's with Alli and her sudden questions about me liking one of them? Really... it's starting to creep me out...The main question is what's this feeling? Umm...Okay Keith...Calm down...Just shake it off and it'll be gone....I was startled by the loud knock on the door...

Mom: Can you get that for me Keith...

Me: I'm on it!!

I opened the door and saw a man wearing a coat and tie....Judging by the looks I know I recognize this face anywhere...

Keith: (serious) Hey (pauses a bit) Dad..

My Kind Of Perfect [Greyson Chance and Cody Simpson]Where stories live. Discover now