chapter 11

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Shaya's POV

Sitting on the uncomfortable bed I waited for a doctor to come again. The one who examined me with all the nurses was so condescending as if I had asked to be raped and beaten over and over again. People like him I knew were all around us those who thought beaten women deserved what they got for looking a certain way I despised them. Who were they to judge would they feel the same if the pain I went through happened to them.

Hearing the door open I looked over with an expressionless face I would be damn if I gave them any emotions they did not deserve it.

"Shay why don't you go take a bath I have extra clothes in my car that you can use."

Hearing his voice my body shivered with recognition, gingerly stepping down I made my towards the bathroom door giving him my answer.

Walking into the white sterile room I couldn't bring myself to look in the mirror why should I look and see the only blemished thing in the room.

Taking off the gown the nurse gave me I slipped under the shower head not caring what temperature the water was on.

Looking through the curtain of water I saw that outside was a cascade off water as well.

Hearing a knock on the door I vaguely wondered how long I had been here listening to the sounds of the world lost in a place that had no time.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and flinched thinking of Ted looking up I saw him the one I wanted the most the person who I wanted to be my savior my prince Shawn.

"Oh Shay I'm so sorry, sorry that I wasn't there for you sorry that you were on your own sorry that I couldn't save you. I promise you Shay they'll pay I'll make them all pay for what they did to you."

Hearing words I had longed to come out of his mouth. Everything flashed through my mind all the years of pain and abused came back to me.

Leaning against Shawn I broke and I cried and as he sat us down under the wet bullets holding me close my body shook as the he and the sky cried for me as I cried for myself.

Please read .

Hey guys I know sad sigh comment and tell me what you think don't forget to vote honestly I never thought I would be able to update due to my exams but I'm glad I got the chance. Updates shall be closer together

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