chapter 2

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Shaya' pov

I felt like I was about to fall down, two unbearable weights had been placed on my shoulders, looking up I saw my husband looking down at me with love and possessiveness, his hands holding me down.

"Were you waiting on me babe? You didn't have to see its reasons like this that I love you baby." He gently pulled me onto his lap on the dreaded bed and I started to feel a pit rising in my stomach.
Something here wasn't right, something bad no horrible was going to happen I could feel it.

"Shaya we've been married for three years now and I love you and I know you love me," he looked down at me as if for approval to keep speaking, nervously I nodded my head for him to continue.

"I think we're ready for kids Shaya I really do what else could make this family more complete than little us running around playing. That way everyone would know you're mine and we would be so happy. I want a boy first who I could grow up just like me, of course I wouldn't mind a little girl just like her mama."

I tuned him out as I processed what he was saying kids, he wanted children, no I couldn't do that to them, bring them into this world for them to be around their monster of a father, no I refused to believe that this is what god had in store for me, I would never bring children into this.

My thoughts were interrupted by Ted shaking me "Shaya I know how you feel don't worry you'll be a great mom you'll see, you're already such a wonderful wife I could ask for no better," he kissed my forehead gently and I felt tears threatening to fill my eyes but I had to keep them at bay.

"Baby I'm going out to celebrate our decision with the boys don't wait up," he sounded so excited, kissing my forehead one last time he left me by myself in the bedroom, I heard him talking excitedly on his phone before I heard the door slam. Our decision? I thought, I laughed bitterly it's your decision I have no choice but to go along with it.

I sat there and laughed until my laughter turned to tears and my tears to dry heaving at the side of the bed. I had to get out of here, my thoughts were frantic, I had to escape to place he would never find me. Somewhere so far away he wouldn't even bother looking, I was so hastily flinging open draws and throwing clothes on the bed I didn't hear the door open.

"Shaya what are you doing?"the most calm voice I had ever heard permitted my ears.


Hey guys tell me what you think Shaya should do before it's too late.
Comment vote enjoy. Also pic of Ted on side.

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