chapter 3

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Shaya's pov

My breathe caught at what I heard no no no he was suppose to be out celebrating why was he here?

"It's funny how I come back home to get my wallet and I see my wife and the future mother of my children packing, so I'm not going to ask again where do you think you're going Shaya?" hearing the eire calm tone of his voice made me more scared than anything else but I had to do this.

Straightening my spine I turni to face him and watch him in the eyes, I see a bit of surprise run through them, good keep him on his toes. Summoning a courage I didn't know I had I open my mouth.

"What does it look like I'm doing hmm, I'm leaving you! " the astonishment on his face says enough, even I am surprised that I sounded so confident and sure.

I smile a little smile proud that i had stood up for myself , my smirk was soon wiped off by the stinging sensation on my cheek left there by my husband's rough, calloused palm. I carefully touched my stinging cheek but moved my hand quickly away as the previously inflicted wound from earlier today throbbed with pain making me hiss.

I heard the loud, rumbling laughter of my husband and I turned my head to watch him as the slap had snapped my head sideways , I watched as he sat on the bed and made himself comfortable by the headboard.

"You really think you can leave me Shaya hmm, well go ahead and try the doors right there," there was humor in his voice but i didn't study it my freedom was so close all i had to do was take it.I started towards the door and watched him as he watched me with the eyes of a predator.

Don't think Shaya just do ,I repeated this mantra in my head as i twisted the door knob and stepped out the fact that Ted had not said anything to me was slowly eating away at my nerves. I closed the door and breathed a sigh of relief , I was so close.

"Well boys Ted said his wife was nice but he didn't say nothing about this sweet little thing liking it rough," i looked up to see the person behind the voice that brought shivers to my spine and what i saw made me want to crawl in a hole and die.

There were three men who looked as beefed up as my husband and they were all watching me with hunger and lust in their eyes "Look Jim the little girlie is scared ," the man on the left hit the one in the middle on his shoulders at what he just said laughing like it was a big joke.

"Oh yeah Collins we're gonna have some fun with this one," the one in the middle Jim said to the laughing man who i guess is Collins.I quickly turned around to reenter the bedroom i would rather deal with the wrath of my husband than with those three sick men but instead of a door i ended up on my butt from the force of the object now in front of me.

I looked up and saw my husband looking down at me with a twisted look on his face,"You surprised me Shaya I didn't know you had any fight in you, I wasn't going to let the boys interfere with you but then i was expecting to come home and see my loving obedient wife not a little spit fire. I'm going to enjoy breaking this new you though and what better way than with the help of a few friends ."

He picked me up and turned me around to face the other men"The one on the end is Collin , in the middle Jim and on the right is Brent , boys this is my wife Shaya and she's been very naughty ,even thought she could leave me." The way Ted said it you would think that i made a horrible crime against humanity , but no these men were the ones who were the real monsters , the disease , the filth of this earth I had to get away but how?

I struggled against my husband's grip trying to get out but his arms were wrapped around me like that of a boa constructer "Ted please don't do this to me ,please" my voice came out hysterical and weak exactly the emotions i was feeling right now.

"Oh the little girl knows how to speak i'm going to enjoy making her scream and beg for mercy," hearing the words coming out of Bent's mouth i stilled with shock no no please this couldn't be happening i had to be dreaming that's it this was one horrible nightmare and at any moment i would wake up to the sound of Ted snoring.

"Should we do this in the living room or bedroom boys ," as i heard the chorus of bedroom i felt my whole world shatter , this wasn't a nightmare it was real life and i was about to go through something that was definately going to break me .I started to struggle more as the reality of the situation over came me.As i was carried through the threshold of the bedroom and saw the bed ,tears started to fall from my eyes what had i done to deserve this?

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