Chapter 9: Dinner

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After Regina gets off the phone, she turns on the tv. She walks back to the couch and sits down. She turns to Robin.

"Why are we friends?"
Robin looks confused, not really knowing where this is coming from.
"Well, erhm...."
"Like why don't we hate eachother? I have only three friends. Well, one if family doesn't count..."

"I would say we are friends because we understand eachother." Robin answers.

Regina nodds. She pulls up her knees and holds them with her hands. She lays her head on her knees, her face facing Robin.
"You care about me, don't you?" Regina asks. Robin doesn't know what to answer. He knows that Regina knows now he has feelings for her. She's playing him.

"Yes, I care about you. You're my friend, the closest one I've ever had. Ofcourse I care about you."

Regina smiles. She then laughs and says: I never thought I would have a friend.
Before Robin can say something the bell rang. "Oh the food! Robin, would you get it? My wallet is in my purse on the table under my coat." Regina almost says it like a five year old who gets candy.
"Sure, I'll get it." He says laughing.

He walks out the livingroom, turns left, and looks for Regina's purse. "Can you find it?!"
He looks under her coat. There it is, her big black purse. "Yeah, got it!"

He walks to the door and opens it.
"Hi, here is your order." The teenage boy hands over a big bag with probably too many food. "Thank you, here is the money. Keep the change."
The boy nodds and walks away. Robin closes the door.

"Regina! You seriously thought we were going to die? This is way too much!"
He can hear Regina laughing. Before Robin closes Regina's wallet he sees a picture. Made a few months ago. Regina, Henry and Graham sitting on a bench. Regina and Graham hug and Henry sits in front. Somebody should have made that picture then. Robin thinks. He looks at the picture again, they all look so happy. And then is it when he realises he wants that too. He wants somebody to love him. He wished Regina didn't have a relationship with Graham. God Robin, stop thinking like this. She's not in love with you. He puts the picture back in her wallet and walks back to the livingroom with the food.

"Yay! Chinese!" Regina holds up her hands so Robin can give her a box with chinese. Robin smiles weakly.
"Hey, you okay? Did I do something?" Regina asks when she sees Robin's facial expression. God yes, you excist.
"No it's nothing." I just wanna scream out that I love you, Regina Mills.
"You don't seem okay?" And she took a bite of her food. She is even pretty when she eats.

Robin sits next to Regina on the couch. His head in his hands. "For fuck sake, Regina! Don't you see!" He stands up again.
Regina drops her box with food. "Robin, you scared me." She wipes away the spots on her pyjama pants.
"You don't see it at all? Do you?" He yelled. "See what! And stop yelling!"
Robin picked up a glass and throws it against the wall.
"I fucking love you! God that you can't see that! Graham treats you like garbage! He should be home with you!" He runs with his hands through his hair. Regina doesn't look at him. She bits her lip. "Robin...." She starts. "No, nevermind. Forget it. I'm going home." He starts walking to the front door.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know that. If I knew I wouldn't have called you." Regina says. Robin stops. "Regina, I said: nevermind."
"No, Robin! This is an issue. How can I call you to rant about Graham if you're" She takes a deep breath. "If you're in love with me."

"No, I'm playing with your feelings. I can't do that. You love Graham. You can still call me, I'm your friend. Remember?"

Before Robin can open the door, it is opened by a person from the outside. Graham steps in. Surprised he looks around, seeing Robin and Regina. "Well, hello Robin." Graham says while closing the door. Regina crosses her arms, looking a bit uncomfortable. Graham walks over to Regina and kisses her.

"And hello to you, my darling."
Robin looks at the ground. This kiss takes too long. He thinks. Then Graham turns around. "Is everything alright here? You both seem a Did something happen?"
"Graham, that are a lot of questions." Is the only thing Regina says. She looks at the ground, not noticing Robin looks at her. Graham sees it. "Well?" He looks at Robin. "Erh, no everything is fine. I was just leaving. Have a goodnight." Robin stutters and walks out. Slamming the door.

Graham looks at Regina. "Babe?"
No response. He walks over to her, pulls her close by her waist. "Are you okay?"
"No..." And she lays her head against his warm body. The body she missed. Graham lays his hand on her back. "Shh, it's okay." He feels his shirt becoming wet from Regina's tears.

They just stand there, in the hallway. Regina's head layed on Graham's chest, Graham holding Regina, his head on hers. "You want to talk about it?" Graham asks carefully. "No... I just.. I just want you." He holds her tight. "I love you." "I love you too, Regina."
Another five minutes pass. Graham tills his head.

"Let's go to sleep okay? I think you can use some rest."
Regina looks up. "You're right." She says with a weak smile. She pulls back from their hugging moment. A bit confused she makes her way to the stairs. Before she knows it Graham pulled her back by her hand. "Not without me." He entwins their hands together and an arm around Regina's waist. Regina smiles. "I like it when you take care of me." "For you I'd do anything." He presses a kiss on her lips.

And with that they walk upstairs together. Ready for some good sleep.

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