Chapter 1: The Beginning

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Regina enters her home. She expects Henry or Graham. But nobody is home yet.
'Guess I'm early today.'

She thinks to herself. She put her coat away and makes her way to the kitchen.

'What's on the menu today? Oh a note?'

'Hey love,
I'm sorry I won't be on time for dinner again. There is a lot of paperwork to do. Sorry Regina

'Great, guess it will be a diner with Henry alone again.'

She lets out a loud "Urgh"
'I'm not in the mood to cook. I'll go and fetch some Granny's.'

She grabs her coat, her purse and her mobile. She pulls the door behind her and locks it. Making her way to Granny's.

'Hey! Mom!'
She turns around to see Henry standing on the other side of the street.

'Mom I was looking for you! I couldn't find you in your office!

Henry walks over to her

'Oh I'm sorry dear, I was done early. I should have called you.'

'Where are you going?'

'I'm going to Granny's for dinner. Graham isn't staying for dinner, he has to work late again. So you coming?'

'Oh I'm sorry about Graham, Mom. Yeah I'll join you.'

He smiles at Regina. Even though they've had some trouble, he loves Regina very much. Their bond has come very close and Henry is happy that Regina finally has a good relationship. And a fatherfigure.

He grabs her hand and they walk to Granny's together.

- Granny's
Regina enters and Henry follows. All eyes are at them.

'Why don't you choose a table?' Regina asks Henry, hesistating a bit.

'You okay Mom?'

'Henry, I'm fine. I'll order.'
He smiles.
'Okay Mom.'

Regina sighs. All those eyes again.
'Hey Gran, can I have two hamburgers with french fries and two hot cocoa?'

'You sure about that, Madam Mayor?'

Regina, surprised at her comment.
'Why wouldn't it?'
Granny shrugs.
'Nevermind, I'll bring the food when it's done.'
'Thank you.'

Regina makes her way to the table Henry picked out. She must have looked confused. Because:
'Mom, what happened? You look so.... erhm serious..'
'Hm what?'
'I said -'
'I know what you said Henry. I'm just not in the mood."
'Why? Maybe I can help?"
'No Henry! Just wait on the food.' She snaps at him.

Henry, surprised at her outbreak, says nothing. He knows his mother is hiding something. Something IS wrong. And he is going to find out. To help his mom.

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