Feeling Betrayed & Sabotage Part 1

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I love you!

It had been a few days since the bar fight. When the boys came home and they saw Zayn's eyes they immediately started asking what happened. They sat down to have a family meeting and Louis explained what happened and how Zayn was properly punished, much to his dismay. Louis made it into a learning experience for the younger boys and that was that. They didn't know about the bedtime spankings because Zayn asked well begged for him not tell them. Louis respected that so he didn't. All of the spankings took place after the boys had fallen asleep. So they had no clue.


"Niall go get the popcorn!" Louis said loudly.

Niall happily skipped into the kitchen grabbing the  huge bowl they normally used one occasions like these, movie night, and filled it with popcorn. 

See today was their last day of rest before tour and promotion start tomorrow. Zayn was concerned as to how they could continue the rest of the bed time spankings with out the boys finding out. Louis assured him it would be fine but he was still nervous.

Zayn sat down on the couch wincing slightly but none of the boys seemed to notice. Soon Niall came in with the popcorn and sat in between Zayn and Liam. He placed the bowl on the coffee table and snuggled into Zayn, placing his feet on Liam. Then Louis and Harry were on the other couch, Harrys head in Louis' lap, and Louis running his hand though his curly lockes.

They watched all the Iron Man movies. Harry fell asleep on Louis and Liam and Niall on each other. Once the movies were finished Louis and Zayn carried each boy up to their beds.

Zayn was walking out of Niall and Harry's room, pulling the door shut behind him.

"Ready for your bed time spanking?" Louis asked softly, wrapping his arm around Zayn.

"No, but do I really have a choice?" he sighed.

Louis chuckled giving him a peck on the cheek. "No. But you only four spankings left. And I bet you'll never get in fight again?" he said as they walked into Zayn's room.

"Ya I don't even want to ruff house anymore. Listen Lou I know you said it'd all work out, but with promos and album stuff going on.... I really don't want the boys to find out or hear..." he trailed off

"I know your worried about Zee but don't worry so much. If you want we can have Paul help us figure out something tomorrow." he replied soothingly. "Now come here." Louis beckoned him over since he was already sitting on the bed. 

Zayn agreed sliding himself off the wall he was leaning on and stalked over to Louis  with his head down. Louis grasped his wrist and gently pulled him over his lap. He pushed up his shirt and rubbed soothing circles on his back. He also pulled down his PJ bottoms to his ankles. Zayn was going commando

"You weren't serious about being afraid to mess around were you?" Louis was really concerned he didn't want him to be afraid of joking around.

Zayn only shrugged. 

"Zee you know that we do this to correct wrong behavior, not to be tyrants over stupid stuff like playing around." 

He was still rubbing his back and he visibly relaxed at Louis' words. 

"I know. I love you, Lou."

"Love you too, boo."

"Now get on with it my rears getting cold since it was on display for this chat." he muttered smirking.

"Don't worry it wont be in a minute." he chuckled smirking.

Louis placed a light smack on his rear to signal he was starting. The first few all fell right at the center of his bottom. Louis wasn't smacking him that hard but he already had to pretty heavy spankings and his bum was still sore making the slaps fell that much more painful. Louis would pause in between smacks to let the full effect take place. Louis didn't lecture Zayn because he knew what he did was wrong and why. This spanking was just reinforcement. Zayn's eyes were swelling with tears and soon they were flowing freely, landing on the duvet.


Liam woke up from a nightmare. So wandered out of his room stumbling looking for Zayns door seeking his comfort. When he open the door his bad dream was soon forgotten.


Both Louis and Zayns snapped to the side when they heard someone chuckle. When Zayn saw Liam standing in the doorway he was mortified. He started squirming so he could get off Louis' lap and pull his pajama pant up. But Louis kept him pinned and gave him a sharp smack to his thigh so he would stop squirming. Zayn stopped wiggling burying his face in his arms as Liam continued to laugh.

"I knew you were still getting spanked! I just didn't know how to prove it! Harry and Niall own me money now."

"Liam stop laughing! We all make mistakes and we all have to pay the consequences. Now i suggest you stop laughing unless you want to be next." he told Liam sternly. Liam bowed his head. "Don't tell Niall and Harry until we discuss this as a family. Furthermore they do not owe you anything and if i find out you tried to collect I will smack your bottom, got it?" 

Liam nodded. "Ok now go to bed." he ordered.

Liam suddenly remember why he came in the first place. "But I had a nightmare and I'm scared." he mumbled.

Louis sighed,"Just go snuggle with Niall please." he nodded and did as he was told

As soon as left  Louis looked down at Zayn and he was shaking.

"Zayn?" he whispered in his ear. 

Zayn lifted his head the look of betrayal written all over his face. "How could you?" he said lowly, launching himself of  Louis' lap. He pulled his bottoms up and started to stomp towards the bathroom. Louis reached out and grabbed his hand pulling him back into a hug. Zayn was struggling to get out of his grip.

"Babe what's wrong?" Louis asked not hurt by what he said but by the look on his face.

"How could you leave exposed in front of Liam? And smack me? How could you?" He was clearly angry.

"I'm so sorry Zee. I wasn't thinking." Zayn was stiff in his hold. 

Zayn was sobbing with his hands over his face. Louis pulled him towards the bed and got in with him, snuggling him close. 


The next morning Zayn was still quite upset with what happened. Now that Liam new he would surely tell the other two. All the trying to hide it was pointless now. He really wished Louis would have spanked Liam for making fun of him but that would have been harsh.

But Zayn was still upset and he didn't know why but he felt like he had to get back Louis for belittling what happen. He felt betrayed. In the logical part of his brain he knew what he was thinking of doing was stupid but he couldn't help it. So he did the unthinkable he framed Louis.


When they were at the interview everything seemed alright. Louis was still concerned over what had happen the night before. He hadn't had the chance to talk to Zayn. So there was no way of knowing how or when they would have the talk with boys. He was thinking of telling Paul what happen so he could help him figure it out. 

 Louis was getting his hair done and out of the corner of his eye he could see Zayn talking to Paul. He was glad to see that, maybe he was already asking for advice. As soon as he was done he heard an upset borderline angry Paul yell, "Louis get your ass over here!" 

A/N I'm sooooo sorry!!! Thanks for reading! I hope you like it!

Dedicated to @1D_lover761 for this idea I changed a bit, I hope you still like it 

P.S not edited

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