Explaining the Consequences

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Zayn and Louis called a family meeting in order to explain the new rules and consequences. Everyone was gathered in the living room, the three boys wondering what it was about. The two oldest had printed up the rules and hand each one a copy.

"You guys have been out of hand lately and it needs to stop. Your parents have trusted us to take care of you and all you've done is blatantly gone against us. So we decided to have a concrete set of rules and consequences for you and these are it. Any questions?" Zayn asked.

Niall was the first to speak," Do our parents know about this? The spankings?"

"Yes. We told them first. They said if that's the only choice you've given us then they are fine with it," Louis answered.

"How serious are you guys about the spankings?" Harry questioned.

"Extremely. You have been leaving without permission, coming home late, drinking even though you aren't supposed to. It's reckless and we are responsible and don't want anything to happen to you," Louis explained.

Liam had remained stoic and the oldest boys were becoming worried. He was known as the most mature and rational of them all, but he was still a teenager.

Zayn started to speak,"As long as you try to follow the rules the chance of getting a spamming are low. But it really isn't a question of if it will happen its more like when."

"So you're saying we will get spanked at some point no matter how hard we try?" Harry asked.

"No one is perfect and sometimes we need a reminder of what is and isn't appropriate. Try not to think of it like that. Just try you're best to make good choice." Louis answered.

"This is f**cked up!" Liam finally spoke,"Why are you aloud to dictate how I act? I'll be 17 in a month and I don't think you have any right to discipline me. This is total bullsh*t!"

Everyone was in shock. Liam is almost alway levelheaded. He can always see the light in everything.

Zayn spoke,"First of language. Second we don't want to do this, but all of you, have given us no choice. You not 3 days ago came home pissed and now your on medication for your kidney. All we want todo is protect you. THIS is the only thing we could think of that would help. So you better drop the attitude before you're the first one to know just how serious we are."

Everyone was silent. Now one dared to make a sound. The three boys eyes darted from Liam to Zayn from Zayn to Liam.

All of sudden Liam stood up and said,"This is total bullshit!" And took off to his room. Zayn was about to go after him but Louis put his hand up and he went up to Liam's room.

Louis went upstairs and didn't bother knocking on Liam's door. When he went in Liam was pacing the floors obviously upset. Louis grabbed Liam by the arm and spun him around. "What you did downstairs was completely uncalled for Liam." Louis scolded. "So," was all he said.

Louis took hold of his bicep and started to pull him towards the bed. Liam tried to get away but Louis had a vice grip. "LET GO OF ME," Liam screamed," THIS IS TOTAL BULLSHIT! YOU HAVE NO FUCKING RIGHT!" Louis just continues to drag him till he got to the bed. He sat down and pulled the screaming boy over his lap, pinning his legs with one of his own. Liam continued cursing and yelling. Louis pulled down his pants which was made easier by Liam's squirming.

He started spanking Liam erratically at a rapid pace. Now Louis was no stranger to administering bottom thrashings, he'd had to spank his sisters when he baby sitting in Doncaster. So he knew he couldn't stop until the spankee realized that what they did was wrong and that they accept their punishment.

At around 30 smacks you could here Liam sniffling and he was still thrashing about, no longer saying anything. The next 10 where right on the curve of his bum. Louis slatted to lecture Liam. "The way you acted was completely uncalled for. We just want to keep you safe and all you do is disrespect Zayn and I. Now what do you have to say for yourself?" Louis stopped his attack on the brown eyes boys bum. "Whatever." Liam says sniffling and trying to get up from Louis's lap. Obviously not happy with his answer he kept him pinned and started to pull his boxers down. Liam lost it he started yelling, "NO! YOU CAN'T DO THIS!! I FORBID IT!!!" "I can and I will, you deserve this." Louis said calmly. He continued the assault on the boy's bum. Most of the swats going to his sit spots. He was squirming until the 60 spank then he finally let go and stated sobbing and hiccuping and apologizing and begging for Louis to stop. He finally did when he reached 80. And he pulled Liam into his lap trying to calm him down. "Shh. It's ok. You're forgiven, try to calm your breathing for be baby." He was rubbing circles in the middle of his back and rocking him back and forth trying to calm him. Zayn walked in and sat on the bed. Liam was still hiccuping but the sobbing had died down, he still had his face in the crook of Louis neck. But when he saw Zayn he started to cry again and he crawled in to Zayn's lap and started to apologize. Zayn told him all was forgiven. He rocked him back and forth until he fell asleep.

A/N Sorry it took so long! Please forgive me I've been busy with testing and stuff.

So do you like it? Do you prefer 1st or 3rd person POV? I really would appreciate your thoughts!! Also if you have any prompts I'm totally open to ideas!!

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