chapter twenty-two

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double updates because I love my daddy (Neymar)

sexual content towards the end

you're welcome

Monday, May 23rd

I yawned, and laid my head on the island of my apartment. Neymar chuckled and moved about my kitchen doing God knows what.

We had stayed up late last night playing FIFA, and then watching Skins which was my latest obsession. I'm sure Neymar only put up with it because he had his phone to distract him.

He kept warning me that he deals with staying up better than me, and of course he was right.

I was annoyed with his accuracy.

I slightly dozed off, and woke back up when a plate was put near me. I lifted my head, and scowled at a smirking Neymar who had sat himself by me.

"Tired babe?" he asked smugly and I just rolled my eyes as a reply. It was 10, and we both had training at 12 but in two different locations sadly.

Our phones rang at the same time, and we both shot each other a nervous look. We muttered one word together.


"Hello?"  I answered and sent Ney a glance.

"You and Neymar will be doing couples modeling today, so when your training is over go straight to the address I sent you. I would talk longer but I'm in a rush. Hugs and kisses!" Maria said and then hung up.

At least it wasn't management like I had originally thought.

"Couples modeling?" Ney asked me, after he had hung up. His manager had delivered the same message.

"Yes babe, it'll be easy," I replied with a shrug. My best friend back in Colombia had texted me with a picture of Greece. She had recently got married and she was traveling the world with her boyfriend that modeled. (What a coincidence.)

I've known Kat since I was 10, and we remained friends even after I left Colombia.

"What are we modeling for?"

I shrugged again, "I don't know. All she sent me was an address."

"Alright well hurry up, we both have training soon," He yawned and then stared at me.

"What are you looking at?"

"You haven't kissed me yet," he responded and I smiled. I pecked his lips which made him groan and me laugh.

"You're killing me Louca."
"We have Atletico in two days, so we need to kick it in high gear. They're the best apart from us, and we need to keep our winning streak and make it to finals," my coach called out as we all took a well needed water break.

We hadn't touched a ball this entire first hour, all we did was sprints and quick feet drills.

My legs were dying.

"We're scrimmaging, go to Juliana for the teams," was the final thing he said before walking off. I picked up the paper from my bag and read off the teams.

My team was looking well, but I only had one starter. I looked back at my goalie and she shrugged.

I rolled my neck and smiled at the young nervous girl. She hadn't played with me ever, and she just moved up from the B team.

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