chapter four

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April 2nd
The same day

"She's gorgeous Neymar," Dani commented as we changed the channel to a soccer game after watching Jay. We were all situated in my living room, waiting for her to get here.

"I know, I really like her," I said smiling his way.

"Why isn't she yours?" Messi asked, kicking his feet up on my coffee table while texting someone. Probably Antonella, they're like teenagers in love despite having a child.

"She has a novio," I commented bitterly. They all turned to look at me, with wide eyes.

"She has, a boyfriend?" Munir asked in disbelief.

"She's beautiful, I'm not surprised one bit," Pique commented while opening a beer.

"He treats her like shit, I'm just waiting for her to realize that," I chuckled, hoping that she would eventually.

"Show her what she's missing, but not in a childish way where you make her jealous. Spoil her," Marc said, and then asked if we could play FIFA, and I got a chorus of shouts.

I took four controllers out from the console in my couch and tossed them around.

Before I could turn on the game, the doorbell rang.

"That's probably her," I said hopping up. "She's coming?" Marc asked, turning towards the door.

"Yes," I confirmed and then walked out of my living room, past the kitchen to the foyer.

I opened the door and a small, shaking body crashed right into mine. Her vanilla like scent filled my nose, but the coconut scent of her hair was incorporated. I was so caught up in appreciating her scent I didn't realize she was crying until her shoulders shook.

I immediately picked her head up and searched for any visible bruises.

"Jay what happened?" I asked frantically.

"I hate myself Ney, why can't I stop loving him?" she cried, rubbing her hands on her face, and smearing the makeup she doesn't even need.

"Come to my room," I said trying to calm her. "I'll be back Louca," I said softly when we reached my steps. She sniffled and nodded, she's been here about three times and she knew where she was going.

I went back to the guys, and they all turned to me expectantly.

"Her boyfriend made her cry, she's upstairs. I'll bring her down when she's calm," I announced, and they all grinned and focused on the FIFA game.

I went back to the stairs and took them two at a time, and before I even got to my room I could hear her little sobs.

I pushed the door open and she looked up at me from my bed, and her cheeks were red. Her eyes were dark because of her makeup, and her cute nose was red as well.

Her lip quivered slightly, and I moved to my bed to scoop her in my arms. She hugged my tightly, and cried.

"Neymar I can't stop loving him no matter how bad he treats me. I hate it," she sobbed.

"I know leaving him will be hard Jay, but if he treats you any less than you deserve, you have to go honey," I cooed while rubbing her back.

She nodded into my shoulder, but continued to cry. I knew then it wasn't just Emilio she was crying over, but I refuse to push her into telling me something.

After about three minutes, she pulled away from my shirt and giggled.

"I messed your shirt up," she mumbled. "It's alright, I'll get us both one"

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