Chapter 24: My Husband...

Start from the beginning

C: For what Seth?

Se: Please forgive me. (He said storming out of the nursery)

B: Whoa there boy, slow down.

Se: Sorry Billy. Please forgive me.

B: Why?

 Se: Sorry.

B: What was that about? (He asked Carlisle and Esme')

Es: We don't know. One minute he was holding the baby and the next he looks so pale than he apologized and bolted out.

B: Okay, I'm sure Sam will deal with it. So can I please hold my grandbaby?

Es: Oh my goodness, sure. You don't even need to ask.

B: He's so adorable. He looks almost like Jake did when he was born and with a hint of Sarah in him.

Es: Was that your wife?

B: Yes.

R: Here's Baby Jake's milk.

C: Baby Jake?

A: Well I can't see what he's name is and when we asked Edward a few minutes ago he growled at us really loudly so we just left him. So this is what we decided on calling him until Edward comes around.

B: I'm fine with that. I want to feed him, is that okay?

A: Sure here you go. Do you know how to do it?

B: Alice I raised three kids pretty well.

A: Oh yeah.

B: Hi Baby Jake, I'm your grandpa, your Papa's father. Nice to meet you sweetie.

As Billy fed Baby Jake his milk he started sobbing looking down at the him.

Esme saw and moved over to him and started consoling him by rubbing small circles on his back.

Es: Billy what's wrong?

B: Sarah passed away when Jacob and the kids were young and now even though I don't want to accept it, Jacob is gone even before he got to see his beautiful baby boy. I mean how is that even fair?

Es: Oh Billy, I'm really sorry. I cannot begin to understand how you're feeling right now but I believe that he's in a better place.

B: A better place!?! Jacob is my only son, he was all that I had, he was everything I had and now, now he's... I can't even say it. (He said starting to cry again)

Es: Billy, you still have Baby Jake and now Edward and you also have all of us and we're always going to be here for you no matter happens and we always want you to know that.

B: I need to get to him. I need to get to my son.

Es: Of course, I'll take you.

C: I'll stay and feed Baby Jake.

Es: Okay let's go.

Knock, Knock...

Edward just sat there on the bed next to Jacob starring at him and also talking to him.

E: Come in.

B: Edward may?

E: Sure come in.

Billy thanked Edward and rolled up to the bed, took his hand and locked down at Jacob and starting to sob.

B: Jacob, son, why are you doing this to us? (He started crying loudly causing Edward to leave Jacob's hand and go over to wrap his arms around a sobbing Billy making Billy start wailing even louder)

E: You know Billy, I'm so mad at you right now!

B: Why, for mourning my son? (He said pushing away from Edward)

E: You get to mourn him. You get to cry for him!!! I can't. He's not dead. Jacob will come back.

B: Edward you have no idea how much I want that but I have to be realistic, if I'm not then I might die. I love my son more than anything else on this earth and the fact that he is lying there on this bed without any movement, no heartbeat is killing me. So give me the proper opportunity to mourn my son. So you have no right to be mad at me! Edward he's busy leaving, leaving us both. We need to stand together and support each other. I lost my own son already so I can't lose you too. You meant a lot to him, son, I know how you're feeling right now and we're going to get through this, together.

E: I wish I could cry, I wish I could do something to get him back. Billy I wish I could go back to earlier so that I could apologize. I didn't even get a chance to tell him that I love him, I didn't even tell him how much I appreciate him, I didn't... (He was cut off)

B: Edward, don't do that. He knows that you love and appreciate him.

E: Thank you Billy... You are like a second father to me.

B: Well that's a good thing then, seeing as I am your father-in-law now.

E: I know.

They both just turned to Jacob and just stared at him.

We love you Jacob...

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