Chapter 31 /:/ Truth

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I looked over at Carl. He looked up to the sky to see as the clouds were now gone and the stars lit up the sky. Without the electricity and the lit up cities and houses, we actually are able to appreciate the night sky. But that moment was gone when loud rustling came behind us.

Carl and I stopped what we were doing, grew silent, and quickly looked at each other. He put a finger over his mouth as a sign to be quiet. He shifted himself slowly to look behind us. "What's going on?" I thought to myself. The rustling grew louder and moans and groans grew along with it. Twigs snapped and leaves crunched under the feet of the multiple walkers walking out from the bushes. He gasped slightly and lowered his head so that they couldn't directly see us. He told me to do the same, and I did. We looked at each other and He could tell that I was uneasy. He reached over to me and held my hand tightly, making me look at him again as if he was telling me that everything will be alright.
We watched as the walkers walked underneath the tree we were in and started walking towards the direction of the rest of our group. I was worried about them. There weren't a lot of them, but that means that there could be more coming from Terminus and that means we need to get moving in the morning. We waited a little more before we sat back up. We threw our knives down to the ground before we tried getting down the tree. Carl went down first to make ensure that everything was safe and that there weren't any walkers lingering. He helped me get down, grabbed our things, and made our way back to the camp. We kept close together, watching each other's back.

We then finally made it to everyone else and saw that all of the walkers that passed us were now dead laying on the ground. His father and Maggie ran up to us both, making sure we were alright. It was late at night so we put out the fire and went back inside of the small nursing building to rest. We all fell asleep shortly after that.

After we woke up and ate the remaining food that we had left, Rick and Maggie figured that it would be better to start moving to some other place. The walkers from last night pushed Maggie over to the line towards that decision. Rick and Maggie were still in the building as they figured out what place the group was going to next. The rest of the group packed everything we needed and waited for the decision from Rick. After a short while later, the two came out with the plan.

They told us that we were going to head North towards an abandoned community with high walls. Most of us liked the sound of that, but some questioned the position of the community. Either or, we were heading North.

We've been walking for about half a day when we heard walkers in the distance. We got out our knives and headed towards the direction of the walkers. We came in view with them. There were three walkers surrounding a man who was on top of a rock. The walkers heard us coming from behind and turned to face us, leaving the man alone on the rock. We quickly killed the walkers and made our way to the man.

The man was terrified and us having our knives out wasn't helping. We put away our weapons and helped him down the rock. "Thank you, good people," He said. We nodded, saying 'You're welcome'. "You people look like you've been out there for a while." Rick shrugged as an answer and asked him his name and how he got up on that rock. "I am Father Gabriel Stokes. I am a priest of a small church a little further up ... My church almost ran out of food so I went out to try and find some again." He said.

"I see you didn't have a weapon to defend yourself ... How did you live this long?" Maggie asked.
"Well God is my shield, so I believed that I didn't need a weapon." He continued.
After we said that, we knew that he was the shy kind. Not the kind of man to go out there and defend himself and others, but the kind to hide away in fear.
"I do thank you people again," He continued. "So as a 'thank you', I have food and a place to sleep in the church if you so like to come ..."

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