I guess Harry got worried and reached out for my hand. Interlocking our fingers, I looked up at him. He was now in a state if confusion just as I was earlier. I have to tell him. "Niall, what's wrong?" No, I can't do this, not right now. More tears escaped my eyes and I had to rush out the door. A nurse just happened to be in front of the door, so I ran into her and landed on the floor. Owe.

"Darling, get up off the floor this instant. I have some important news to discuss with you and Mr. Styles now that I can see he is awake." She nodded over to him on the bed and then looked back at me, seeing that I was still on the floor. She helped me over to the bed to sit me down, strong lady she is that is for sure.

"Alright, so what is the important news about?" Harry was quick to jump on the question before I could. The nurse just laughed at his demanding tone and shook her head. "So quick to know answers, aren't we? Well, I have bad, good, and great news. Which would you like to hear first?" Harry and I looked at each other for a moment before I shouted an answer. "Great!"

She chuckled once more then continued with a slight smile. "Louis is doing excellent in the ICU upstairs and will be waking up from his coma soon. Hopefully in the next couple of days. His brain activity has become more responsive then when he first came. Now for the good news, he can hear everything that is going on in the room. He asks about you two a lot, actually. More so to his boyfriend, though."

This caused Harry to blush furiously then regained himself when he cleared his throat. Giggling, I looked to Harry and when he made eye contact with him, I winked. That set him off again. I couldn't help but laugh at his cuteness. The nurse thought so too, I guess since she was laughing along with me.

"Can we know the bad news, please? I want this to be done and over with so I can go see him." I looked at the nurse with curious eyes and she sighed. "The bad news is, Mr. Styles, Louis will be having memory loss. We believe he may have blocked out everything bad that has happened. We've seen this happen to so many of our patients that we predict it will happen to him too."

This crushed my world along with Harry's. Yes, it's great he won't remember anything bad that happened, but what will happen when those who he went after came back to actually kill him over? The nurse's pager went off and she said her apologies then left. "Well, that was some news, huh buddy?" I looked over to Harry to see him in deep thought. A few tears escaped past his eyes and then he crawled up into a ball. Walking over to him to brush my fingers across his face, he sobbed louder.

"What's wrong, mate?" He just shook his head and told me to leave him alone for a while. I didn't want to leave, but I knew I had to respect his wishes. Turning back to look at him once more, I see that he has turned towards the opposing wall still sobbing. Quietly whispering to myself, I say, "Oh Louis, please get better..... for Harry's sake." With that being said, I walk out a second time today to just be pushed into the wall.


"Where to doctor?"

"ICU, Tomlinson!"

The nurse had to hurry along of she wanted to catch up to the doctor. Wait, did he just say Tomlinson? As in Louis Tomlinson?!

"I was in there half an hour ago, all his vitals are clear. What happened?"

The people disappeared down the hall, but I wanted to hear more.

"Cardiac Arrest! Let's move!"

I followed them from the stairs while they took the elevator. Racing up to see what is happening, my breathing becomes rigid. Pull through, Niall, you can do this. A few moments later, I've reached the ICU area and the doctors are no where in sight. Where could they have gone? Then I hear a loudly pitched scream.. from Louis.

Are We Meant To Be? (Larry Stylinson - Teacher/Student AU)Where stories live. Discover now