Chapter 13

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Harry's P.O.V.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

Will that blasted noise ever stop? I think I fell asleep at Louis' last night and now his alarm is going off for work or something of that nature. But I've never heard an alarm that slow? "Lou, turn off the alarm will you?"

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

Dammit, why won't he listen to me?

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

If I hear one more BEEP come out of that alarm, I swear to god!

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

This time I turn towards the sound to hear a grunt come from someone else' voice. Not my Louis.... who... what the hell happened last night? Why is my arm numb -- did I sleep on it wrong? And why the hell is my head spinning in all sorts of loops? Arghhh.... make the pain stop!


Niall's P.O.V.

 The pain I felt two weeks ago is still strong to this day. I can't get the picture of Harry bleeding all over the countertop and knocked out from my mind. It all seems surreal, like I can't wrap my head around it. He had lost so much blood it's not funny; he was on the verge of death when the ambulance came! How the hell could I not be traumatized... how will Harry react when he finds out about Louis?

That night, when Louis ran out, I was worried for him. He may be older than me and my teacher, but that doesn't mean I don't care about him. When the ambulance came, he still didn't show up. The paramedics asked if I wanted to go with Harry, but I had to turn it down. Harry would have killed me if he knew I let his boyfriend out in the open to a more gruesome death.

I wished, every step I took, that I stayed with my best friend. I heard too much background noise when I was walking to properly hear anything. That is, until I saw Ms. Calder holding a pistol in her hand and shot Louis in his head. Blood poured out of his mouth as his spit back at the others that they haven't won. I cried, not only for Louis and Harry, but for myself. What has this world come to?

A slap to the face and I'm woken up in the hospital next to Harry on the bed. Owe, does he have a heavy punch or what? His heart monitor was racing for some reason, and I think it's cause he was screaming for Louis. Poor lad, he doesn't even know what happened. Lazily, I grip his hand and his eyes go wide. I let go quickly to hear him mumble something.. something I wasn't sure I heard properly -- until he said it clearer when he saw the look of confusion all over my face.

"Niall, did we sleep together last night? Is that why my head hurts and arm is numb? Did you drug me? Oh my goodness, what is Louis going to think? What is Louis going to think?! Where is he? I have to talk to him!" Harry tried to get out of bed, but soon thought that it wasn't the best case since his head drooped low. Chucking at him, I helped he lay back down on the pillow.

"Harry, we didn't have sex last night. You got hurt, remember?" Silence filled the room once more and I know I have to tell him what happened, but something is telling me not to tell the whole truth. "Harry, your arm is numb because you got shot. I don't know who did it, but Louis went after them. Your head probably hurts from the blood loss and when you hit your head on the counter. As for Louis, I - I....."

I couldn't go on without tears ruining my cool. Louis is in a coma a few floors up and we're down here, hopeless. I remember the doctors telling me that he has a 10% chance of waking up. The bullet is still launched on the left hemisphere of his brain. If the doctors were to remove it, it would paralyze Louis permanently or worse, kill him. His parents wouldn't pick up the phone so I had to make the decision to have the bullet lay in his brain.

Are We Meant To Be? (Larry Stylinson - Teacher/Student AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang