Chapter 1 ~ The Past (Edited)

Start from the beginning

Rosa was creole with long soft brown hair and light brown eyes with a hourglass shape. She was also tall, very attractive and she would get plenty of looks from all kinds of men back in the day their grandmother told them. It wasn't until the day she met her married boyfriend Stan, when all their lives changed.

Now, her hair was short and she always wore way too much make-up. Her cheeks had sunken in from all the smoking and her skin was bloated and puffy from all the years of drinking. Sometimes she would drink so much you could smell it through her body odor.

It had been many of nights when she had found her mother faced down in her own vomit. She and Sasha would get her up and put her in the bath where she would just fall sleep. Sasha had always made sure to let the water out so she wouldn't drown.

Their mother had met a man name Stan Hollins and she just went buck wild. He was an alcoholic and drugee too. He was really tall, with a long goatee and jobless. He had the darkest skin and whitest teeth she had ever seen. He would come over and smoke weed with her mother and take her money and blow it on his wife or god knows what. He would literally go on 7th street at the Stack House known as the crack house and snort it up.

Rosa had once told them that she was totally in love with him. She was so much in love that she started drinking so badly that she lost her job and the family got on food stamps. Stan would come over just to eat up all the food and take her welfare check. They were getting over five hundred dollars in welfare, another five hundred in foodstamps and the house they were living in was their grandmothers that was completely paid off. Tasha just could not understand why she and Sasha never ate three meals day nor had new clothes?

There was sadness in Tasha's eyes. There were days that she wished she had never been born. She and Sasha would go to school sometimes with the same clothes on. Sasha would take them to the Catholic Church and dig through clothes just to find something to wear. They also took advantage of the food pantry and got food and would hide it in the closet and cook it after their mother would leave to go wherever an employed person would go.

Sasha would cook and hurry and wash everything before their mother would get home. She didn't want Rosa to know that they were doing it because they were scared of what she would do to them. It wasn't too recently that Rosa had found their stash of food in the closet and threw it away.

"Why are you staring at me you heffa? Girl, I hate you!"

"Because I don't understand that if a mother is suppose too love their children, why do you hate me so much? I love you mama but you treat me like I am dirt under your feet." Tasha tried not to cry but her mother treated her so cold.

"You don't treat Sasha and I the same. It seems that you love her, but hate me. We are twins and we would both do anything for you."

"I hate you Tasha because of your big mouth. You are selfish, smart alec and you work on my got damn nerves. Why can't you just go with the flow like your sister? She listens and just do what I ask. You on the other hand question everything. Nobody would ever want you because you are ugly on the outside and inside and you don't listen. You will never find a man because you will run him away."

"Like when you ran our daddy away!"

Rosa's eyes got big as she took her belt off and before Tasha got up she felt the buckle hit her on the side of the head. She ran into the room and shut the door.

"Your punk ass white daddy tricked me. He told me he loved me then bailed. He said if I kept y'all he would marry me, but no he gets in trouble and his butt get caught. I haven't heard from him and he don't do nothing for ya'll. He don't love ya'll either so don't go throwing him up in my face."

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