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I have never run so fast or so far in my entire life.

Again I asked myself, Why was I doing this? Running away from police who were firing at us with loaded guns? Ethan didn't slow down, and he didn't let go of my hand, either. 

Was it possible to feel something so strong for someone you varely knew in such a small amount of time? 

Had Ethan not thrown us both into a thick, dark patch of bush, I would have been able to continue that thought and call myself an idiot. I would have also called Ethan an idiot as well, had he not clamped a warm, sweaty, salty hand over my mouth. It was disgusting. Glaring at him, I contemplated biting him. It would've been easy. His panic-filled eyes met mine, and in that look I kept my mouth shut. 

His eyes began to dart each way, and then they stopped to our left; the way we had come. Slowly, Ethan's hand lifted from my mouth, and he pointed to something to our right. Well, my right; his left. The river--in its deep blue, raging glory; this possible death trap was our ticket away. To our far, far left, a ways down the river, were two fallen logs that had overlapped at the ends to create a bridge to the other side. 

The murderer shoved me along, and I didn't have any problem scampering across to the other side once he did. I almost slipped on my way across, but got to feel the joy and relief and safety of being on solid ground. No bodies moved in the trees as Ethan made his way across, quicker than I did. Once he made it to the second log, he flipped his hood up and squatted down, straining himself as he lifted the first log up and heaved it into the running water, letting the current slowly carry it downstream. "We can't waste time," Ethan panted, lifting me to my feet. "We need to get out of here. As far as possible so we can both be sure they aren't following us." 

"We aren't travelling out of the city, are we?" I asked him, struggling to match his pace. Ethan laughed. 

"No, I'm getting you home. Out of this mess and away from me. You can't be blamed for what happened." 

I nearly skidded to a halt. "You can't expect me to leave." 

"I am," he said, slowing his pace and eventually stopping. "And you will. I can't slow down for you. If I have to leave the city, then I will. I can't have anything distracting me."


"Nothing," he cut me off, mumbling. Turning away, he motioned me forward. "Come on, lets get going." A puzzled frown crossed my face as I watched him go. 


I wrote this during Science. I couldn't focus very well at all. But, here it is... Not sure if I will update again tonight. We'll have to wait and see. Don't forget to vote and comment, let me know what you think. :) <3


The Killer You Wanted. (Watty Awards 2013)Where stories live. Discover now