Siva made his way over to the door, stopping when he hit a squeaky board of the floor, moving his foot to another place on the floor. His sucked in a breath, put a hand on the knob, twisted it and pushed it open, gun raised. “Jesus--”

“What?” Tom asked anxiously.

“There’s a fucking hole in the wall-” Siva was cut off by being punched in the face. He staggered back, cursed and held his gun up. “That hurt!”

“It was supposed too.” Chandler smiled at the voice, looking over at the door as a figure stood in the doorway.

“Chase!” She grinned, wanting nothing to do but run up to him and hug him, then hit him, then hug him again.


Kane stood outside the front door of the international criminals’ house. He knew someone was there, waiting for him to go in. Brad stood on the other side of the door, watching for Kane to give a signal of some type. Kane put his index finger to his lips, looking at Brad. Brad nodded, both of them listening to the almost silent footsteps coming closer to the door. Kane held up three fingers, counting down silently, Brad waiting for all three fingers to be down.

When the last curled down, Brad kicked the door in more, falling off it’s top hinges. Brad weaved into the house easily. Jay stood there a bit stunned, about to pull the trigger when Brad knock his hand away and gave a swift punch to Jay’s nose. Jay let out a growl of pain and anger.

Brad swung again and added a kick to the stomach, making Jay fell forward, then to the ground when Brad kicked him again. Brad picked the gun up, attached it to his waist and looked down at Jay. Jay was pissed. There was a stinging coming from his left eyebrow. Dabbing it with his finger, he saw blood. His nose hurt like hell -- he wouldn’t be surprised if it was broken.

Kane walked through the door, a smirk on his face. “I don’t think we’ve met officially.” Jay’s eyes narrowed.

“I know who you are.”

“Someone’s done their homework.” Kane smiled, giving Jay a tap on the cheek. Jay went to grab it, but Brad kicked him again, giving him a punch or two to the face.

“Oi, stupid!” Kane and Brad turned around to see Max and Nathan -- guns raised, one locked on Brad, the other on Kane. Jay looked over at his friends, groaning when he moved. Jay’s head was pounding, pain and anger swirling around his skull like a mini tornado.

“Back up.” Max snapped. Kane and Brad exchanged looks. They back up carefully, as Nathan and Max went closer to Jay.

“I’m fine. Just kill them!” Jay muttered, sitting up. He clutched his stomach, knowing there was going to be some bruising there.

“You don’t look fine, mate.” Nathan looked at Jay sympathetically. Jay grabbed Nathan’s gun and began to shoot. Max and Nath looked at Jay startled. Brad and Kane ran out the front door and to the side of the house. Brad took out Jay’s gun and started to shoot back, making Max and Nathan drag Jay to some cover around the corner in the house.

Kane held his finger to his ear, “Troy,”

“Yeah?” Troy’s voice filled Kane’s head.

“Can you please blow up the front of the house.”

“You put the bug there already?” Troy laughed down the ear piece as Kane just ‘mmhmm’ed . “Got five seconds, run.” Brad and Kane bolted away from the door, then dove into the dirt as the front of the house blew into flames.


“Hey Chan!” Chase grinned, walking into the room more. Siva gawked at him, looking at Tom, wondering if they should shoot him or not. “Siva,” Chase nodded over at him, holding up his fist for a friendly fist bump. When Siva just looked at him, Chase dropped his hand, “Way to leave me hangin’ bro.” Chandler rolled her eyes.

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