Chapter Seven.

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Everyone stood frozen, like time had stop. The air was dry and still, the only faint ticking of a clock in another room filled the ears of everyone. Everyone was scared to let out a breath, scared to blink. Tom was the first to speak up, saying each word quietly and slowly, “What the hell was that?”

Jay put a hand up, looking from Chandler and Max, then turning his head to the side, listening for anything. There was a slight rattling coming from a door -- the front door. “Seev, cameras, Tom stay with Chandler and Seev. Max and Nath, come with me.” Everyone dispersed into different directions. Tom went down the stairs with Siva following. Tom grabbed Chandler’s arm when he got to the bottom, and brought her away from Max and the stairs. Siva slid into his chair, wiggled his computer mouse and brought up the cameras on the three computer screens. Max reluctantly followed Nathan and Jay up the stairs. When Jay shut the basement door, he turned to Max and swiped his fist across Max’s jaw. “That’s for fucking everything up.”

Max wiped his bottom lip with the back of his hand, the red liquid dotting his hand and the copper taste filling his taste buds. “Thanks mate.”

A bang went off and Jay grabbed his gun, along with Nathan. “That was an explosion.”

“Is it Chase?”

“That would be my best guess.” Jay muttered, and that’s when another three gunshots went off. Jay booked it to the front door, stopped short when he saw bullet holes around the doorknob and lock. The door pushed opened slowly as Jay raised his gun. Right now, Jay was honestly scared for once in his life.


Siva watched the computer screens carefully, then paused, jaw dropped. Tom looked over at his friend, gripping Chandler’s arm tighter, pulling her along when he walked over to Siva. “What’s going on?”

Siva pointed to a monitor, “See those people?” Tom nodded. “Well that one,” Siva paused the video, pointing to a tall, little bit blurry picture of a man, “is her brother.”

“Chase?” Chandler and Tom said at the same time -- Chandler in disbelief, and Tom in annoyance. Siva showed more camera angles from around the house.

“Kane, and then three other people.”

“Trent.. Brad..?” Chandler blinked a few times, sucking in a breath. “Idiots!”

“Sit here!” Tom snapped, pushing Chandler down to sit on the ground. Siva swiveled in his chair, following the Bolton around the room.

“What are you doing?”

“They’re here to fight,” Tom said quickly, going over to the guns, grabbing different ones, loading them. He tossed one to Siva. “and so are we.” Chandler bit the inside of her cheek, thoughts running through her mind. What if Chase died? What if she died? What if Max died? Why the fuck was she thinking about Max? She shook Max from her mind.

Siva shook his head, sighing. “You and Jay have lost it.”

“They blew up my car Seev, I want to blow them up!” Tom snapped.

“Now is not the time to have a tantrum. You won’t make rational decisions.” Chandler kept her gaze on Tom, who was breathing deeply, his hand clenched around his gun. Tom closed his eyes, trying to keep his cool -- but that was long gone. His head was spinning with hate, exhaustion, annoyance, confusion. Tom’s thoughts were interrupted when a loud explosion went off. Everyone’s gaze went to the door of the combat room. Siva stood up, watching Tom, then the door.

“Seev, you wanna check it out or me?”

“I will. Just, relax, please.” Siva put a hand on Tom’s shoulder, giving a reassuring squeeze, then walked past him. Chandler didn’t know what to do. She had this feeling in the pit of her stomach, making her nauseous and want to throw up.

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