Chapter Fifteen ~ Everyone's snapping

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Eve P.O.V

I ran upstairs. I didn't understand why Louis snapped. To tell you the truth, I'm confusing my self anymore. I just want to leave. I just don't want to be here. Of course, I lo-like Louis but, I can't just stay. I understand they can't just trust trust us.

Friends worried about you. Family is worried about you. I bet your boss is worried about you. You have basically your whole world worried about and your worried about boys that took you away from everyone?! I know you like Louis but grow up bitch!

My head yelled at me. She's right but, fuck that damn voice. I am dumb.

Just like Louis said when you were younger!

That's it!


My fist connected wit the mirror. It shattered.


It fell to the floor is a big heap. Glass slid across my hand as it fell. It slid across the part of my arms that show since I pulled my hoodie off when I came in. It went to the floor, breaking even more when it met the floor. My arms and hands bleeding. My knuckles have cuts on them.

At first, I kinda just stared at it. Seconds later, I was sitting in most of it, breaking down. I'm sitting on my bent legs, my elbows rested on my knees and my hands hold my head up. My hair flowings down around me, as a wall. Tears go right threw my hand to the bloody glass on the floor.


The door swings open with a bang, hitting the wall. Everyone stared at me. I could only tell because I could see just through some strands of my hair. They came up to moments later.

"Eve!" Someone's voice seemed distanced. Is my hearing fucked up or something?

"EVE!" Someine screamed lifting my head up. Someone lifted me from the glass.

Black poka dots.

"Eve....Eve are you okay?!" Someone said. Carly?

Black lines.

"Eve can you talk!" Someone yelled. I looked through my lashes, Louis.

"Theres alot of blood guys." Liam? Said.



Blurry vision.

"EVE DON'T I LOVE----" Louis screamed.

Loves who?! I can't hear or see anything.

The voice in my head is even blurry

Love who....


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Bai now! Avery is writing the next chapter. Atleast she said.....

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