Chapter Two ~ The morning time

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Eve's P.O.V

I was in the mode where you are tired and your brian and heart tell you to sleep yet, my body is telling me to get up. So I just laid there like a log. That is untill my alarm clock blasted ' 50 Ways To Say GoodBye ' by The Fray. I slammed my hand on the stop button and looked at the clock.

10:00 am

I sighed and swung my legs over the bed and got up. Today me and my bestfriend Carly are going to look my sister and her brother's grave. We do this every Sunday. Why every Sunday? Because me and Mark always visited this one cemertery on Sundays to get away from it all. So therefore we both promise to visit each other every Sunday if one of died before the other. I visit way more often.

My sister though. She was my twin. Her grave is right next to Mark. My sister's name is Amber. I remeber when we got the call they were in the car crash. I dropped the phone and ran to the hospital. No car. I was first there to. It hurt so much seeing my twin sit in a bed with tubes going all over her. Same with Mark since he was basically my brother. My sister and him were buried at this old oak tree we all went to growing up. Me and Carly want to be bury there to.

I walked over to my closet and almost slammed the doors open. When they opened the just had a simple ' oophf ' and thankfully my body length mirror didn't crack. I just stood, looking at my pajama covered self. I had long blonde hair that went mid back. I had green-ish blue eyes and I was 5'7. I was 19 and weighed 110 pounds. Carly is just like me but is a burnette and has big brown eyes. Meh, Every burnette needs a blonde. Thats our motto and small part reason for being bestfriends. She basically was like a sister to me. Maybe as close as Amber but she's runner up.

I put my thoughts to the back of mind of how Carly is runner up so I can get ready to get dress. Once I got out the shower I grabbed a pair of red short shorts and a long seleve white shirt that has a rectangler box on the front and white bubble words ' Phycho' I threw on my red and white Supras threw my hair into a curly ponytail grabbed my purse and went downstairs. I only went down because my wallet and keys are down here but I decide to put them in my purse later so I can go wake up Carly now. I went up the steps jumped in my room grabbed my phone and shut my door.

As I was slowly walking I looked at all the pictures but one caught my eye. It was the same picture in my wallet, phone, purse, and my room and many many other places. Whats this piture you ask? It's a picture of Me,Carly,Mark,Amber,Nick,Josh,Jared,Heather,Lilly,Abury,Eli, Ella, Bella,and Seth all arms around everyone shoulder as we stood in the Pittsburgh Winter Weather.

This was not the only picture I kept and made use was with me at all times. The picture besides the snowy one is a picture in a field. A medow. This night was Me,Carly,Mark,Amber,and Heather. My mum was with us to take pictures.This night we bought those lightning lanterns thatfly in the air. We bought 5 and huddled together. We all made promises before we let the ballons go.

That same night after those promises and let the ballons go. The picture showed us with our hands high just lettinhg go of the ballons with the light on our faces smiling at each other. To think this was only 3 or 4 weeks ago. Suddenly all thesw flashbacks and memories hit. The wrost memory just happen to be......

Louis' P.O.V

I can't belive this. Their making me kidnap someone.This is sick yet we talked it over and said that we would just sign something and give a picture and then give her back. That made me a bit more easy about this. Hehe, Liam is freaking out in the car. Zayan just told him why we have all that tape and a blindfold.

" YOU GUYS AREN'T SERIOUS?! PLEASE TELL ME YOUR JOKING!" We all looked sheepishly at him

" MY GOD GUYS THATS FOR ONE THATS SICK TWO-" He was stopped by ducktape going his mouth and pat on the cheek.

" Sorry LiLi but were giving her back after sooo dont freak." He gave Harry glare and Harry ripped the tape off his mouth.


Harry just waved him off and went through the plan again. Well this is going to be fun as we put on masks.


Hello again!! This has been Edited to be a short A/N. Same length story.

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