Chapter Twevle ~ Breakfest and awkwardness

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Liam's P.O.V

All the boys and I are walking down the stairs.

I can't belive Louis and I did Eve!

" Mate pass me a pan or two." Harry said to Zayn.

" Lads, Do you think the girls will still talk to us?" I asked quietly.

" Well, they barely talked to you before, I don't belive they would now." Naill mumbled out.

" They probaly hate us." Louis said ever-so quietly.

Just then, Eve came limping in the room, ignoring everyone. She walked up to the fridge and got out a water bottle.

" Eve..." Louis said when she almost fell. Louis went up to help her, but the glare she gave, said Don't.

" Eve, Do you hate us?"Harry asked.

She looked at him then everyone else.She sighed.

When she sighed I was happy.

" Yes." She said simply, walking-limping- out of the kitchen.

Harry finished a plate of pancakes and bacon 20 minutes after that.

" GIRLS FOOD!" Harry screamed.

" Coming." Carly screeched.

You heard thumping and groaning. They came walking in the kitchen. Carly made a bee-line for the table with the food. Eve went straight for the box of oreo's sitting on the counter.

" Eve, Why don't you eat?" I said.


She sat, propped on the counter eating oreo's.

"Eve."I said again, on the verge of tears.

"Eve, The boys didn't mean it."Naill said, his voice cracking.

" Dont care." She smiply said.

" You can't ignore us forever." Zayn butt in.

She raised an eyebrow.

" Watch me." She said, walking out.

You could hear a door slam. We weren't worried or anything. All the windows were locked. The front door, now needed a code to unlock it along with a key.

"Guys, I You I forgave you,but I'm sticking with Eve."Carly said sighing.

" Why do you have to be up each others asses? Ge your own fucking mind and stop following like a sick puppy." Harry said.

" Shut the fuck up Harry! Stuff happens,Ok?! Eve has seen stuff in her life she should never have to see. I, 'follow' , her because when I'm with her, I feel fucking safe from you twats." She screamed then ran upstairs.

It got very akward after that, Like, Really Really Akward.

" Aye, guys?" Zayn asked/said.

Everyone looked at him.

" Did anyone else notice yesterday when Carly tried to calm Eve down she was talking about her boxing and being champ again?" Zayn asked.

" Did anyone else notice all the tiny stuff Carly said, just made their life sound simple and fun? and that was only some of it."Louis said.

"We took them away from more than I thought." I said.

Everyone nodded.

"How long you think they'll ignore us?" Naill asked.

" I hope an hour."Zayn said.

Harr scoffed," Forever." Him and Louis said at the same time.

I guess we better start counting.


Hello, I'm going to bed tonight. No more updates probaly, Idk. Im super tried. Please tell me if you like this. I would like followers,votes,comments, and inboxes. I would really love that. I have a dream of writing, so please, I like feed back. Please share this and all. Thank you.

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