I can detect a bit of amazement in Slenderman's abyssal voice.

"N-no help... h-he wanted to do it on h-his own." Hoodie speaks up, answering Slender's question.

"Amazing! I'll have to teach him more, maybe he can be of assistance to me with this experiment."

I smile, good for Toby.

As if on que, Toby walks into the lounge, rubbing his eyes, his goggles rested on his forehead and his mouth guard around his neck.

He waves to Jake who follows him to the lounge.

"What about Toby?" He asks in a husky morning voice.

Slenderman walks to Toby whom tenses up.

"In trouble this early? What now?" Toby asks in a bit of scared annoyance.

"No, Tobias, you are not in trouble. I am here to praise you for your excellent job." Slenderman chuckles softly, patting his head.

Toby seems to move into pat, like a dog would, getting embarrassed before pulling away.

"Again, what did I do?" Toby asks with rose cheeks.

"I've been made aware you've mastered quite a bit of magic on your own, I am impressed."

Toby seems to get flustered.

"Oh, that? It's nothing, just a hobby that ended up being really useful." Toby speaks in a bashful tone, rubbing the back of his neck with his gloved hand.

"It's superb, and I wish to ask of your assistance in an analysis of a spell. I could even teach you a few things, I would offer you an apprentice spot, but you're already a proxie" Slenderman says, his smile in his tone.

Toby's eyes seem to light up.

"Close enough! I'll take it!" Toby exclaims in excitement.

"I never understood what sick kick proxies get out of direct work for Slender." Jeff whispers to Ben, who gives a subtle chuckle.

Jane and Sally giggle to themselves, excited to look like normal people, chatting about what they hope to look like.

Toby turns to me, his smile widening further, it looks painful.

"Good morning." I smile at him.

He pulls me into an embrace and chuckles.

"This means I can also teach you to enchant your spear, we can spend even more time together!" Toby shrills like a little girl on her birthday.

I smile at the idea of more lessons from Toby, it was exciting, but I still didn't understand why I needed the spear now.

I brush the thoughts away, smiling at Toby as he hugs me again, following Slenderman whom leaves to the mansion.

I sit next to Hoodie, whom wraps an arm around me and pulls me into a side hug, watching cartoons with them, Jake joining as well.

Toby's p.o.v.__________

How exciting! Helping and getting private magic lessons from the best!

I skip through the woods behind Slender, keeping close on his tail even as he teleports some way, running to keep up with him.

I was overjoyed.


Slenderman doesn't look back at me, but he speaks.


"What is this experiment I'm helping you with?" I ask, walking beside him now.

"A pill to temporarily allow us to be seen as regular humans to the average eye." Slenderman explains, still looking forward.

I don't mind your tics (Ticci-toby x Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum