
After an hour of my journey I had encountered four rouges and two vampires who had no chance against me. The strange thing is that those leeches were heading towards my land. Either way, they wouldn't stand a chance against my pack. . . well Jade on the other hand. . . no. Focus. I need to focus. Soon enough I came to a stop infont of a house that was smaller than mine, but still enormous. The foul scent led me here.

I transformed back into my human form and put on some basketball shorts. 'No doubt he's here.' Cane growled and I nodded in agreement. The house had this eerie feel to it that would make anybody turn their backs and run as far away from it as possible but giving up isn't in my vocabulary.

It was probably around three in the morning but I couldn't give two shits if he was sleeping or not. Then again, do vampires even sleep? I walked up to the tall, black gate which was surprisingly open. Why have a damn gate if you're going to leave it unlocked? Is he stupid? Of course.

I walked ahead and went to the huge front door and surprise surprise, it was unlocked as well. Stepping into the cold, marble house was like stepping into a damn museum.

"Hi" a voice suddenly said from the top of the spiral staircase which had a red velvet colored carpet on the center of each step. I ignored his greeting and asked what I came here for, "What the hell is going on with Jade."

He chuckled and came down, taking his time. "Please, take a seat." He said with a smile on his face as he walked towards what I'm guessing is the living room.

"Would you like something to drink? I have AB-positive and negative, B-negative, A-positive, and O-positive. Personally, I like B-negative. It fills you up just right." I chewed the inside of my cheek in annoyance.

It was as if a light bulb lit up and he snapped his fingers

"Ah yes! I forgot you're not like me." I knew he was rubbing it in my face that Jade and him were close and the smirk on his face only made my anger rise. But I didn't let it show.

"I didn't come here to-" I started but Connor interrupted.

"You came here for Jade so. . . that must mean you care for her. . . am I correct?" He asked. I didn't know how exactly to reply. Did I care? Was that the real reason why I came here? Before I could speak, he beat me to it

"Let's say you do. Then that's great!" He said with a sarcastic tone "All you have to do now is claim her as yours, mark her, become a good little mate-" he paused and said the next part lowly "-and everyone's happy"

"And what if I don't. What will happen then." I ask with a monotone. I was just curious. Connor's eyes turned blood red and his posture became rigid.

"You see Alex, Jade has a gift. Well more like a curse. She's special in every way possible."

He stared off for a moment no doubt thinking of Jade. I growled and he came back to reality,

"Jade has the Power of the Wicked. It's the ability to control all evil such as vampires, rouges, demons, etcetera. The only thing she can't control is her own kind. Werewolves."

The thought made the hairs on my arms stand on end. Jade? Evil? Are you serious? Then again, is that what started the fire?

"But that doesn't mean she can't kill you. If you don't officially make her your mate, then many lives will be at sake. There is always a limit to what one person can take." He sat down on a chair that looked as if it were custom made for royalty and picked up a glass off a nightstand that I hadn't even noticed was there.

"Yeah and you're testing my patience leech so just get to the damn point already!!" Connor drank the dark red liquid that was previously in the glass and said what I didn't expect at all.

"You are one selfish bastard." He stood up again with blood red eyes and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "We all have limits mutt. Soon enough, Jade can die. You have the chance to stop that from fucking happening." He smirked "Jade is not only yours, she's my mate too. I can give her what you won't. . . . but only her first and true mate can fully heal her and her wolf."

I grit my teeth and clenched my fist, 'Mine' Can repeated. "Heal her before she breaks" Connor threatened and that's when my Alpha instincts kicked in, "I don't take orders from a blood sucker but I'll take into consideration what you said." I chuckled and the glass windows slightly shook.

With my new found knowledge, I turned and walked towards the front door leaving behind a pissed off vampire. Cane was ecstatic at the thought of finally claiming Jade, 'She'll be ours forever'

Hm. I'll take that into consideration too.

My Mate Is Killing Me [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now