Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

(Continue Lele)

After what felt like hours Patricia came in with groceries and a bag of Chinese food. Amara noticed me first and then Patricia came running by my side. Before they got here I tried getting up but I couldn't. I just sat there breathing as the pain increased. I have never been in this much pain before and I was bleeding everywhere. Now I was starting to feel like I was gonna faint. Before I knew it the ambulance showed up and I was rushed in the hospital. Patricia, Miracle, and my parents were the only people allowed in the room. The doctors said I was fine and didn't need no emergency c-section. I couldn't help but start to cry. Miracle started crying as well and she left the room. I found out a little while later she only left because she currently seven months pregnant and she's scared of labor and how painful it would be. Anyways I grabbed and squeeze Patricia hands so tight she got cast on it. My ankle was also hurting me as well. It was sprained. The police are out looking for Quan. He had escaped and I don't know why I wasn't informed about this. I also found out he was the person that had stolen my money again. But anyways as the hours went by I cried and screamed in pain. After twenty three long hours I had the baby. After cleaning it up and stuff the baby wouldn't stop crying and I was trying to relax. I ended up telling the nurse give it to me. I held the baby in my arms it stopped crying. It looked at me and it was a beautiful baby girl. I locked eyes with her and at that moment I realized I couldn't give her away to a stranger. I thought briefly about my life and how I wish I had my birth mother. I started crying and I kissed her forehead.

Lele: Welcome to the world Miracle Patricia Jane

Everyone started walking in my room and they all smiled to see me holding the baby. I told them I was keeping it and they all cheered and told me I was doing the right thing. I told them the name which brought Miracle and Patricia to tears. After all the crying and stuff Patricia just sat down on the chair next to my bed. Miracle held the baby as Patricia grabbed my hand then pulled out a very beautiful ring. The tears had build up in my eyes again.

Patricia: It's crazy how we met and everything that has happened between us. I never even thought I be marrying me you. I wanted to propose for a while now but it just never seem like the right time but I wanted to know will you marry me Lele

Lele: YES


9 Months Later

She pressed her lips against mines and carried me back down the aisle. In the last nine months life was getting back on track. My friends were happy, my parents were great, and Miracle was happier than ever. She end up giving birth to twin boys. Now her and Juicy are working on trying to have a girl. Which they are; Miracle pregnant again. Quan was caught and he got the death plenty. I'm glad he's out of my life forever. A giant weight is lifted off my shoulders. I still think about Jace everyday but I know he watching over me and he's happy. But life was just great right now. After the reception me and Patricia were spending our honeymoon in Hawaii. As the car drove off she grabbed my hand and kissed it. After so many bad relationships and three failed marriages I was finally happy to be spending the rest of my life with a person that would never hurt me and love me unconditionally.

The End

Author Message

Thanks for reading everyone and hope you enjoyed the chapter and enjoyed the story overall. A new story Unconditionally coming soon. But thanks again for reading everyone and don't forget to vote and comment and stay tuned.

My new story Thug Love is available now and I'm going to be writing some transgender stories

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