Sebastian Michaelis ((Black Butler))

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        You sighed. How long had you been standing in that room, awaiting your mistress to ready? She always took dreadfully long to dress, and you didn't really understand why. Image? Likely. Not to mean you don't respect your mistress, you are extremely loyal, you were just curious at the same time.

        Finally, she called out to you. "[y/n]." You replied accordingly.

        "Yes mistress?" She didn't spare a glance your way.

        "Ready my carriage. We will be departing soon." You [bowed/curtsied] before exiting the room, closing the oversized door behind you. You wondered aloud to the horses, questioning the need of nobles to be in fashion, be it with tiny waists, big hair, or arriving to anything later than the time appointed. You supposed that it was due to the want to be recognize as one of the elite, though being a noble should declare that point moot.

        The invitation from the Phantomhive residence had shocked you when you read it to your mistress, and you knew that you were not going to show up anytime near five o'clock. No, likely you would ride up to the mansion closer to six-thirty, after all the fuss died down.

        After being around nobles for most of your life, you knew their patterns, but that didn't mean that you understood them. Never did you think to ask anyone; your mistress would only get scolded to keep you more in line and she would end up hitting you later. She at least had enough sense to keep the marks where clothing could cover them.

        Your mistress looked very nice that night, coming down the stairs. She looked her heritage. You held the door open for her and you closed it behind her before you climbed up beside the driver. You and Richard were close friends, and every once in awhile you'd get invited to dinner with his wife and children.

        They were the only people who accepted you despite your odd appearance. Of course, that's why you wore your hair in your face - so that you weren't noticed for standing out. You also grew quite skilled at hiding in the shadows, as they couldn't judge you. Richard pulled the reigns to still the horses. You had arrived.

        The mansion was large, but still modest, with a nice garden. Many people were still pulling up, so you figured that it was going to be a big party, and like usual, you'd be put in a room filled to the brim with servants, waiting for your mistress to call you, either to leave or to fix her makeup. You had a maid teach you how to do it.

        You jumped from your perch and went to help your mistress out, but in your place was a handsome butler, assisting her in your stead. You blinked. That was a first. Looking closely, you thought that you saw your mistress blushing.

        Admittedly, he was rather good looking, but his scarlet eyes, which stood apart from his pale skin and raven-black hair, took your breath away while also putting you on edge. He spoke.

        "My lady, so glad you could join us." His voice was silky smooth. "The party is inside, let me escort you?" Your mistress simply nodded, at a loss of words, for once in her life. You trailed behind, keeping your head down as to not embarrass your mistress with your scarred face.

        The butler led your mistress to the ballroom where she would stay and dance and socialize for hours and when she was deposited upon other nobles, he turned towards yourself. You found yourself breathless.

        "Hello. I am the Phantomhive butler, Sebastian. Pleasure to meet you, [ms./mr.]...?" He was asking your name.

        Quickly, "[y/n]." He smirked, and you loved it, you couldn't decipher why.

        "Lovely. [ms./mr.] [y/n], follow me please." Sebastian released your hand, but glanced back every once in a while to make sure that you were still following.

        You couldn't tell when you shifted from the manor to the servants' quarters, but you knew that's where you ended up. Sebastian had led you to a room, and not understanding how, you were suddenly sitting on a bed with a cat in your lap and you were telling the butler your life story. You tols how you had gotten your scar, and how lucky you were to be a servant to your mistress with it. When you finished, Sebastian took hold of your hands once again and looked into your eyes.

        "[y/n], you are lovely. You're beautiful, and you need to see that. Be proud of yourself, scarred or not."  You nearly scoffed. That was easy for him to say - he was perfect, and his job didn't rest on performance alone. "I know what you're thinking, and you must stop. Also, you should come by and talk more often, [y/n], I enjoyed listening." With that, he kissed part of your scar and stood, leading you to a room with many other servants waiting for their masters.

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