Chapter 20

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Luke's p.o.v

I woke up with a major headache. I guess that's what happens when you cry yourself to sleep. I don't want to get up, but I know I have to. I've never felt so bad that I didn't want to ever wake up. Some people might say i'm over reacting, but I never experienced having a crush or liking someone. I've never been heartbroken until now.

I decide to get up and go downstairs for breakfast. I didn't bother dressing up as my usual girly self. I just decided to dress in all black. Since I don't feel colorful today.

When I walked past the guest bedroom an arm wrapped around (your finger XD) my waist and pulled me in. I knew who it was because who else would do something like this.

"Michael let me go." I said while pulling his tattooed arm off me. I didn't want to look at him, because I knew I would start crying.

"Come on Lukey we need to talk about this." He whispered tighteninghis hold on my waist. I looked at him and felt tears in my eyes.

"Don't call me that. You lost the right to and no we do not need to talk about this. What is there to talk about?" I said and pulled his arm off my waist I walked to the door, but Michael ran in front of it.

"Michael move!" I whispered sharply. I didn't feel like doing this. I didn't want to see him.

"Not until we tak about this." He said and crossed his arms. I sighed and walked to the bed. He just stood there and lokked at me.

"Well are you going to stand there or are you going to talk?" I asked him. He unfolds his arms and looks at me.

"I'm sorry Luke you don't know how sorry I am for the pain I have caused you. I'm sorry for not stopping myself. I'm sorry for not telling you. And i'm sorry that i've made you experience your first heartbreak. I like you Luke an I want another chance so I can show that I can be better than that. I want to show you that you can trust me. I want to show you that i'm not a cheater. I just need one more chance to show you thay you can trust me enough to be in a relationship with me." He ranted with tears in his eyes. I have to think about that. Should I give Michael a second chance?

I look up at Michael and looked at him. The answer I was about to give would change everything.

A/n: cliffhanger


"Okay Michael i'll give you one more chance, but if you mess it up you can just give up." I said crossing my arms. I seen his eyes light up and he looked at me before running to me and gave me a bone crushing hug.

"Oh thank! Thank you! Thank you! I promise I won't mess this up." He said excitedly.

"You better not." I said and hugged him back.

I hope I made the right decision.

Love At Second Sight-Muke AUWhere stories live. Discover now