Chapter 18

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Luke's p.o.v

"Oh my god the creep really touched me!" I yelled and started running around in circles.


"This is why my mom didn't want me leaving the house!" I yelled.


"She's going to be pissed. Oh my god what is Michael going to think." I whispered while pulling on my hair.

"LUKE!" I heard Lillian yell. I looked at her and quickly shut up.

"It's going to be okay. Just tell your mom the truth and Michael he shouldn't have anything to say. After what he did I wouldn't even listen to him." She said and hugged me.

"What about Lucifer?" I ask in confusion. What if he thinks she gave me the hickey.

"He can go fuck himself for all I care." She said with venom in her voice.

"Oh come on I know you don't mean that." I said and rubbed her shoulder.

"Yes I do. He could be on fire and I wouldn't even spit on him. He could get fucked by a bear and I wouldn't care. He could jump off a bridge and I would dance on his grave." She ranted I felt myself go pale for the second time today. Let's just say I walked on the other side of the road the rest of the way home.

We made it home within ten minutes. I walked up to the door and held my hand up to knock, but the door swung open.

I came face to face with the eyed I seemed to fall in love, but also the eyes that hurt me. I felt my eyes water, but I didn't cry. I pushed past Michael and went up to my room. I closed and locked my door and layed down. I just needed to be alone for awhile, but I know that's not going to happen.

Love At Second Sight-Muke AUWhere stories live. Discover now