Chapter 16

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Liz's p.o.v

It's been two days since Lillian and Luke ran out the house heartbroken. I wish one of them would have picked up Luke's phone, because we could have sound them within two hours of them leaving.

I'm so disappointed in Michael and Lucifer. They could have stooped, but they chose not to. I didn't raise my son to be a cheater, yet he cheats on his girlfriend with his ex that he cheated on with her. What in the world was going through his mind. He may be a rock star and nineteen, but i'm still his mother. He's grounded until we find Luke and Lillian. They couldn't have gone far. Especially with Luke, he's afraid of the dark, but you didn't hear it from me.

I can't believe my baby ran away. He's too fragile to be out in public by himself. He thinks he's ready, but he doesn't know about the dangers are out there. There are pervs, killers, and rapists out there who would love to get someone like Luke. Luke doesn't even know what kissing is, and people can  use that to their advantage. If the police don't find him and Lillian I might scream.

They should be okay? Right? They shouldn't, be in too much trouble right?

Oh how wrong could I be.

Luke's p.o.v

Help us!! Anybody please!!!

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