"Mister Wayne, detective Blake is here for you, sir."

"Have him in the lobby. I'll be a moment."

"I'm afraid he's here on duty, sir."

Bruce looked at her with a crooked brow and the managers in his office quietly looked at each other. In their first agreement since sitting in his office, they packed up their files and willingly walked out, nodding to Blake as he was led in by Jessica. John watched them leave and Jessica closed the door behind her.

Bruce stood up and walked busily around his office.

"You're here about the jewelry store?" He asked without acknowledging John.

"I'm hoping not, for your sake."

John's casual statement irritated Bruce and he finally gave him all his attention. He went over to the window and turned down the blinds, leaning on the armrest of the sofa.

"You're talking to me." Bruce noted. John was not addressing him as the Batman.

"As you well know, the jewelry store was hit by Catwoman last night. This morning we got a call about a homicide in an uptown apartment. The place looked like an animal ravaged it, particularly one with claws and a taste for milk."

"Catwoman does not kill." Bruce stood up, refusing to bring up his wife's name in the conversation.

"I know. I got Gordon to keep it under radar, but that only gives you so much time to figure out what's going on. I respect you, Bruce, and Selina, and I'm hoping I don't have to come up to the manor."

"You won't have to. I'll get right on it. Has the site been cleared yet?" Bruce said as he prepared to leave.

"Pretty sure Commissioner's waiting for the Batman's insight on this one."

"Don't let Selina know." Bruce warned and left his office, telling Jessica he won't be coming back.

💎 💎 💎

Meanwhile at Falcone's house:

"Boss, there's a lady here to see you!" Victor Zsasz screamed over his shoulder as he predatorily stared at the unannounced guest.

One of Falcone's managers led her through security and brought her to wait in the living room.

"What can I do for you, my dear?" Carmine Falcone announced as he came into the room with a security detail.

"Actually, I'm here to tell you what I can do for you."

Falcone amusedly laughed, "and what do you think you have?"

"Mmm, just a little way for you to strong arm Bruce Wayne." The woman nonchalantly said, as if she wasn't having tea with Gotham's biggest crime lord.

Falcone reclined in his seat, realizing something.

"I recognize you. We crossed paths at his success party. Tell me, why do you wanna help me?"

"Nothing personal, just the enemy of my enemy..."

Falcone, irritated by the waste of time, leaned forward, his annoyance reflected in his tone.

"I'll be your friend if I like what you have to say,"

"Bruce Wayne is raised by Gotham city. He's a cement wall. Won't bend easy."

"Not news to me," he growled.

"You still haven't sent him a wedding gift, as I recall." The lady got to her plan.

Falcone smirked, "I'm listening."

"You want his mind? Strike his heart. Give him a little motivation, a benefit to partnering with you. You go after his wife..."

"He's liquid again."

"For you to mold."

Falcone stood as he laughed his approval. "I like your style"

"Glad you think so! My plan's already in motion," The lady threw papers on the table that brought Selina Kyle and Catwoman into one sentence, something Falcone wasn't slow to pick up on. "but you can bring new hurdles into this maze."

"Well my dear, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Gives me an opportunity to clear my vendetta against the Catwoman!"

His last statement offended his guest, and she stood up with him.

"Nothing that kills her though!" she addressed him sternly. "If she's dead, my reason for doing this goes bust, and then you and I won't be friends, Don Falcone, do you understand?"

Her comment ticked Falcone's security detail, and Zsasz stepped up brandishing his favorite weapon, but Falcone put a hand up to stop them all.

"For the sake of our new friendship, I'll let that slide." He calmly said as he picked up some papers from the table, which included a homicide report filed this morning.

"You're framing her for murder..."

"It'll hurt him more than it will her. The police will eventually figure it out, but the damage will be done by then."

"Disgraceful! I think you and I will have a long friendship."

Batman and Catwoman: Family MysteryWhere stories live. Discover now