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Hey guys, I thought I'd go deep with this one, and I just have a message I'd like to send.

All of the people out there who are contemplating suicide/self harm, I have one word for you:


Before you click away, because that's what everyone else says, hang on a second, I'm not finished.

I don't know you. I don't know what you're going through. But what I do know is that it isn't worth it. Whatever horrible thing you're thinking about hurting yourself or taking your life over isn't worth it.

I don't care what everyone else says. You are a beautiful person, no matter who you are (unless you're harmful emotionally/physically to others).

Think about what you're doing for a moment. I know you think hurting yourself will distract you from what you're feeling, and the truth is it will, for about five seconds. Then you'll be left feeling worse than you felt before, with psychical pain added to that.

Absolutely nothing is worth hurting yourself over, no matter how worth it you think it is.

Nothing is worth taking your life over, either.

Because think.

Do you know what taking your own life will accomplish?

It may take away your pain.

But do you know how much pain you'll give to others? The people that love you? Because there are people that love you, no matter how much you think there aren't.

So take a moment and remember this—suicide is like a self-detonated bomb. It'll destroy you, and the people closest to you will suffer from that. That will then ripple to the people closest to them and so on.

So before you make any final decisions, just think. Think about why you're doing this. Is it really worth it? And you know it's not. Nothing is. Even if you think that you can't talk to anyone about it, brave that fear. You have to tell someone. Because if you don't make it known that you feel like no one cares, or that you feel alone, how can the people making you feel that way understand?

I understand what it's like to want to put on a fake smile and pretend you're okay. But if you do that, you have to know, people aren't psychics—they can't read your mind. No one can help you unless they know what's wrong.

Don't feel afraid to tell people what you're feeling. Maybe you're afraid because you think it's a stupid reason? That's alright. Nothing is a stupid reason for feeling depressed. Maybe your fish died. It's unconventional, sure, but it's not stupid. It's who you are and how you feel about it at that moment. You can't help it. Maybe you're more sensitive than most. So no matter the reason, no matter how "stupid" you think it is, it's not. You need to let others know. Because you shouldn't have to fight something like this alone.

So before you hurt yourself, before you even think about taking your own life, think about why you're doing it. Think about the people who love you—of which there are many. Try telling someone how you feel. I guarantee it'll have much better results than harming yourself.

And most of all, remember that no matter what, no matter how painful it is, no matter the reason, absolutely nothing is worth harming yourself and/or taking your life over.


Thanks for reading.


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