My Chemical Romance

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Well, guys, I was thinking about this today, and I thought I'd tell you about my experience with MCR! XD

So, when I first started listening to MCR, I wasn't a huge fan. I was on an FOB kick back then (still am XD) and MCR was a style I wasn't really used to, so it took a while for me to kind of get into their music.

Now, the whole getting super-attached-to-bands thing was something I was new to, so I didn't look up the members until AFTER I learned about the breakup. The result of this was my reaction to the breakup being very anti-climactic. XD

But, as I am an idiot, I decided to get attached to the band even though I already knew they weren't a band anymore. XD

It was both the greatest decision and mistake of my life. XD

I am legitimately IN LOVE with MCR now, so much so that I'm NOW having my climactic reaction to the breakup. Once I got familiar with them and their music, the fact that they broke up hit me again—much harder this time.

So now that I love MCR like I've never loved a band before, I have to deal with the breakup. XD All thanks to myself.

MORAL OF THE STORY: I am an idiot. An idiot with no regrets. XD


The Random Thoughts of a Curious FangirlTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon