SuzaLulu Momemt

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Something you should all know about me: I LOVE CODE GEASS. I've watched it almost four times over now. It's my favorite anime EVER!

If you don't know Code Geass, I highly recommend it. It's a must-watch!

Anyway, I'm sure the Code Geass fans reading this will probably know what SuzaLulu is. (If you don't, it's SuzakuXLelouch.)

So, recently, the fifth episode of the Code Geass: Akito the Exiled OVA was released. It isn't subbed yet, sadly, but last night, I decided to skim through it just to satisfy my curiosity. XD I've been waiting for a long time.

At the very end, there's a moment where Lelouch falls asleep ON SUZAKU'S SHOULDER. IT IS MOST LIKELY THE MOST ADORABLE-EST THING IN THE WORLD. (See above for picture of it. XD) I HAD THE BIGGEST FANGIRL MOMENT OF MY LIFE WHEN I SAW IT! SEEING MY OTP (yes, SuzaLulu is my anime OTP XD) THAT WILL NEVER BE ACTUALLY CANON GET A CANON MOMENT PRETTY MUCH MADE MY NIGHT! AND THE DAY AFTER! AND THE WEK AFTER! AND THE MONTH AFTER! AND THE YEAR AFTER AND THE REST OF MY LIFE! XD So anyway, it's probably the best thing that's happened to me in terms of anime shipping moments.

I STARTED CRYING, ACTUALLY CRYING, WHEN I SAW IT! Like, not sobbing or anything, but I teared up. And I had a hand spaz. And I started squealing. XD

IT'S JUST SO FREAKING CUTE! I literally couldn't sleep and was just lying there grinning like a complete idiot. XD

XD This will go down in my shipping moment history.

SO YEAH, thanks for putting up with my rant.

See you next chapter! XD


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