MCR First Impressions

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I remember about a year ago...was it a year ago? I forgot. XD Anyway, I started getting attached to My Chemical Romance a while back, and I can remember exactly what I thought of each band member when I looked them up. XD

Bob (I was looking at a Black Parade picture): "This guy looks like an asshole. No, seriously. Just look at his face. He looks like a total jerk."

Then I looked him up further and found my intuition was spot-on. XD

Ray: "Oh my god, look at his hair. That hair is amazing. I can't even deal with it. And oh my god, just look at it. It looks so fluffy. I bet it's fluffy."

He's not called "Princess Fro-Fro" for nothing. XD

Frank: "AWWWW! He's so cute! OMG can I have him? How can someone be cute and hot at the same time?"

Frank defies the laws of hotness and cuteness. XD

Mikey: "HOLY SHIT IN A BASKET HE IS REALLY HOT! No, seriously. He's ridiculously hot. Like, I'm burning. He's hot. OMG. Really hot. Wow. Shit. Man. Hot."

Mikey IS insanely hot, though. XD


Gerard: "HOLY FUCKING SHIT. Is he real? He can't be real. He's too PRETTY to be real! I think he's the most gorgeous being on the planet. Holy shit. Holy shit. He's so beautiful. He's so fucking beautiful. Literally gorgeous. What is this. How is this fair? HOW IS SOMEONE SO DAMN ATTRACTIVE NOT FICTIONAL? I don't understand. He's incredible. He's perfect. Oh god, his hair is amazing too. And everything else about him. I think I'm in love."

Yeah, I never looked back. XD Gerard is perfection. XD

So, yeah!

That's all I've got for you! XD My first reactions to MCR!


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