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Here's another amazing author!

Everybody say hi to anklebiters_!!


Hi anklebiters_! What's your real name?

My REAL name is actually Nai. Audrey is my pen name o.o

How old are you?

14 or 1000 o.o

Don't worry, I won't stalk you but, where do you live?


What's your favourite book that you've written?

Beautiful Crime of course (:

Are you currently working on anything new? If so, got any spoilers for us?

Well in a story that I'm co-writing with brookieismyname, there will be a betrayal.

What inspired you to start writing?

In the third grade we had to write little books and I thought it was an awesome experience. And then in the 5th grade I won a horror story contest in school and I realized I really enjoy writing.

Who's your favorite author and what do you like about them?

@BrittanyLeigh8 . She's amazing! I love all her stories. She definitely writes stories you can relate it and has a great feel to it. Her stories have some funny moments.

Favorite Book?

Well here is My Wattpad Love. Published will have to be Beautiful Creatures.

Do you base characters on people in real life?

Definitely. Me, my friends, parents, teachers, even my pets. I want my characters to be as real as possible.

Where do you like to read books?

On my bed at night or early morning.

If you could be anybody in a book, who would you be?

Lena from Beautiful Creatures. I have wicked awesome powers! Imagine me with the power to kill o.o

Okay, enough about books. What is your greatest accomplishment in life?

Going to state in an Odyssey of the Mind competition.

Do you have any pet peeves?

Getting in trouble. I hate when I get punished or yelled at.

What are your greatest fears?

What are your greatest qualities as a person?

My humor :)

What's your favorite color?

Blue ~

What's a hobby you have?

Writing xD

What's one thing you like most about yourself?

Definitely not my looks...I'll say my intelligence. I'm pretty smart believe it or not.

What are your flaws?

Oh gosh I could go on with this. I'm impatient, awkward, and pretty odd.

What is your favorite TV show(s)?

I love Pretty Little Liars, Teen Wolf, Awkward, and The Carrie Diaries. But I could go on (:

What advice do you give to people who are writers?

Keep going. If you don't get any reads or comments. So what? Write because you like it not because of popularity. Sure it's great getting comments and reads but it's not important. Because soon you will publish your story (if you want) and many will read it. Trust me.

BONUS QUESTION: what's the best compliment you've ever received?

" You are gorgeous and talented. Keep doing what you love! Don't let those ( naughty no-no word ) bring you down. You are simply beautiful. " Even though I personally don't believe it, this compliment really motivated me in so many ways.

Okay, well that sums up the end of our interview, so bye anklebiters_ thanks!


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