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Here's another awesome author for you!


Hi Freedom_Liberty! What's your real name? 


How old are you? 


Don't worry, I won't stalk you but, where do you live?


What's your favourite book that you've written?

It not on here but The Living

Are you currently working on anything new? If so, got any spoilers for us?

Yeah The Supernatural I'll give you a spoiler there a huge fight scene where one of the characters dies

What inspired you to start writing? 

My friend she likes to write book so I gave it a try

Who's your favorite author and what do you like about them? 

Rick Radoden I think that how you spell his last name

Favorite Book?


Do you base characters on people in real life? 

Yeah everyone has a little bit of someone from real life

Where do you like to read books? 


If you could be anybody in a book, who would you be? 


Okay, enough about books. What is your greatest accomplishment in life?

Greatest is when I learned to read ( I didn't know until I was seven )

Do you have any pet peeves?

Yes the biggest pet peeves is people looking at me for no reason

What are your greatest fears? 

My greatest fear is SNAKES

What are your greatest qualities as a person? 

Greatest qualities I'm loyal, Nice, Funny

What's your favorite color? 

Favorite color Blue

What's a hobby you have? 

Hobbys swimming, Dancing in my room, watching t.v. And going on wattpad

What's one thing you like most about yourself? 

One thing I like the most about my self is I will stand up for my friends

What are your flaws?

Flaws I'm hot head, Im not a easy person to get to

What is your favorite TV show(s)?

Tv shows The Vampire Diaries, Heart Of Dixie and The Fosters

What advice do you give to people who are writers?

Advice ask for help and don't stess

BONUS QUESTION: what is/was your favorite subject in school?


Okay, well that sums up the end of our interview, so bye Freedom_Liberty thanks!


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