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Hi everyone! Here's another one of my all-time favorite authors. If you haven't heard of this author you're either living under a rock or... LOL kidding, but honestly, I can't even put into words how much I love the stuff this author writes. It's just like agghh! AMAZING!:) Anyhoo, I'm gonna shut up now and let you enjoy the interview. 

Please welcome The_Starzee!


Hi The_Starzee! What's your real name?

Not giving it to you. Everyone knows me as Starzee and that's how it's going to stay.

How old are you?


Don't worry, I won't stalk you but, where do you live?

New Zealand

What's your favourite book that you've written?

 The Rules of Survival 

Are you currently working on anything new? If so, got any spoilers for us?

LOTS!! Lol, working on several things at the moment, but I think the one piece people are anticipating the most would be the sequel to RoS which is titled The Rules of Engagement. No spoilers for that one at the moment, but I'm also working on a novel called Coveted. Blurb for Coveted: Brea Katieri knows she’s different. She knows the secrets of the boy she brushed past in the hall; secrets he’s never breathed to another living soul. She knows the girl who pushed her in gym class has a terminal cancer she isn’t aware of. But that’s not all. With eyes a unique mix of liquid gold and aged bronze, as well as the unnerving ability to heal herself faster than anyone should be able, Brea has no trouble believing she’s not quite human. A war is coming. The words whisper through her mind, and though Brea is willing to accept them, what she isn’t prepared for is encountering a cursed dhampir with a penchant for sarcasm and a distantly cold werewolf who claim to be her only hope of survival for the catastrophic events yet to unravel. At least until she ascends into her own powers. Yeah, because that was the best part of it all; according to her new babysitters, she was a goddess. Specifically, the last goddess of the fallen city, Atlantis.

 What inspired you to start writing?

Truthfully, boredom inspired me to start writing haha! It was just to pass away the time when I had nothing else to do. Now though, I don't know what I'd do without my laptop because writing is all I ever do.

Who's your favorite author and what do you like about them?

I have a couple that are equal. Sherrilyn Kenyon and J.R. Ward. Sherrilyn Kenyon is a god when it comes to sarcastic humour, and nobody can create an urban fantasy world better than either woman. I aspire to be half as good as them one day!

Favorite Book?

I don't have one. There are just too many good ones to choose from!

Do you base characters on people in real life?

 No, never. My characters are purely fiction. I don't think I could incorporate real life instances and/or people into my work, it'd be too weird LOL   

Where do you like to read books?

In bed, huddled under all of my blankets haha.   

If you could be anybody in a book, who would you be?

Ooooh, that is an awesome question! So many to choose from. Um, I think right at this moment, I'd like to be Rose Hathaway from Vampire Academy. She was totally kick-ass LOL 

Okay, enough about books. What is your greatest accomplishment in life?

That's...profound. Haha, soon as I read it my head went blank. I guess I don't have one GREAT accomplishment, but lots of little ones that all add up. I consider those to be far more valuable that one single thing. 

Do you have any pet peeves?

 Oh, my God. Yes, I do! I have so many that people will think I'm a freak if I list them all haha. Um, but one main one would be people folding the pages in books instead of using bookmarks. I swear I slapped my brother when I saw him do it to one of my books. Now he uses a bookmark :D One more pet peeve is people leaving the power socket switches on when there is no plug in the socket! 

What are your greatest fears?

Losing my family and friends. Failure in life (with my career, writing etc.)

What are your greatest qualities as a person?

Haha, well, people tend to like me for my blunt honesty. I usually get chosen as a shopping buddy because chances are if you try something on and it looks horrible, I'm going to tell you. I'm loyal, apparently hilariously funny, and I've been told I have an amazing laugh. 

What's your favorite color?


What's a hobby you have?

Sketching. Writing (Duh!). Reading (Double duh!). Buying shoes LOL 

What's one thing you like most about yourself?

 My willingness to help people in need. 

What are your flaws?

 I have road rage issues haha! No, seriously I do. Another flaw - I am my own worst critic in anything. Quick to put myself down.   

What is your favorite TV show(s)?

 At the moment, The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones 

What advice do you give to people who are writers?

Never stop doing what you love.

BONUS QUESTION: What's a superpower you would like to have?

Healing powers =D

Okay, well that sums up the end of our interview, so bye The_Starzee thanks!


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